I have COPD & would like to join this group. How do I join.
Thank you Annie
I have COPD & would like to join this group. How do I join.
Thank you Annie
You have joined, Annie - welcome aboard!
Hello Annie and welcome to the group
Looks like you are signed up and ready to go. If you have questions, comments, or anything else then simply start a new post. Many others will see it and reply within a day or so. You can add your comments/replies below others left for you to see.
Let us know how you are doing! Pete
Thanks for letting me join.
My first question is, where will I be able to find the group. Is it only in email?
Welcome Ann to the group. Not sure but you maybe able to find the group on Facebook. I just get notices in my e-mail and answer from there.
The group is here Ann and you only need to post, as you did here, for people to see and respond to your messages.
Hi Annie1943 as both Toci and Peteybob have said, you have already joined the COPD Friends group.
The post you put on proves that you have registered as a member and joined the group.
I notice from your Profile that you joined the group on 22nd June 2016 but only did your 1st post today. I wonder if you are having problems finding your way back to this site? If so, I have put a link for COPD Friends below:
All you need to do is to is to copy and paste the above link into your brower and it will bring you back to COPD Friends main page.
You should also be able to make a shortcut that will make it even easier to come back. How to do that will depend on what you use to get on the Internet (computer, iPad, Android Tablet etc).
I you need further help doing that, just reply on here using the reply button and I or someone else should be able to help you out.
I hope this helps.
Regards. John
My pulmonary Dr recommended it