Hi, I'm a new member with a specific question. I have a range of heart issues, an implanted defibrillator, heart medication including Edoxaban anticoagulant, atorvastatin and bisoprolol. I have also had my gallbladder removed. Last week I tested positive on the bowel screening test (England) and have been called in for pre colonoscopy chat in 10 days with an advisory note a colonoscopy will be done subject to the 'chat' within a further two weeks.I have a further complication in that this has come just as I am about to move home with a moving date around 22 November.
Any advice based on recent experience please?
As an aside I note the very limited research around the use of antiplatelet and anticoagulant medication on the test outcome results with one small Norway study saying it does throw up different probabilities. However, if advised to have the colonoscopy I will likely take that advice.
As a further aside my wife is a bowel cancer survivor so I have some knowledge of bowel cancer. When I knew nothing I asked the Consultant surgeon for my wife whether there was any likelihood because of lifestyle that I could also get bowel cancer. He responded, 'a million to one, no.' I hope he's right! The screening leaflet suggests 1/10.
I like asides so here's another one, all the health issues I have had have been symptomless before the event and this is no different.