It’s just over 9 years since my successful extended right hemicolectomy surgery. At the 5 year appt with my colerectal nurse she suggested I might consider a scan in January this year. Which is now! It is mainly for reassurance as I get very anxious. I’ve not had any symptoms since surgery and the decision on the scan is up to me. I’m trying to convince myself that I don’t need it. My final colonoscopy was five years ago and all clear. I would appreciate any thoughts. Thanks. John.
Colonography? : It’s just over 9 years... - Colon Cancer Conn...
Hey John,
So sorry to hear about your anxiousness, but I know what you mean. Not the same situation, but I had an LAR (low Anterior resection) in 2014. I’ve followed up with all my colonoscopies ever since. But, last year felt “off” and scheduled one 2years before I was due. They did find a couple of pre-cancerous polyps. I also was given a scan, which was scary. Anyways, I’d opt for the scan, if nothing else to put your mind at ease. We know how important (even though they cause us to be uneasy until the all clear) it is to catch these cancers early. It sounds like you’re on the right track. Much luck to you!
Spot on Penny11Jenny. I hope things are going well for you after your LAR. Your story is a good one about taking actions considering the symptoms you are experiencing. It's a good thing you did that. It is OK to feel scary especially when you're having symptoms that need to be checked out. I'm glad to see you caught things before they became sinister. I'm proud of you and thank you for sharing your story. ❤️👏
Hi Thetoad,
Thank you for posting on Colon Cancer Connected. I see you are at a decision point on whether to get a scan or not. It's been five years since you had an all-clear colonoscopy which is great. I do also know that you've gotten some good advice from Penny11Jenny. I am very much in favor of you choosing to get the scan and making sure things are going well. You haven't had any symptoms and this would be an opportunity to prove everything is good.
I'm in a little different boat than you are in. Given my history of a partial colectomy and a 4 1/2-year cancer fight, I'm on a surveillance regiment that will hopefully make sure if anything reoccurs with me, we will be catching it early. I get an annual colonoscopy, annual CT scan, annual blood work, and an endoscopy every three years. I look at these tests as an opportunity to prove that nothing is wrong and I'm still kicking cancer's butt. I actually look forward to the opportunity to do that. 😁👍
So, it's been five years since your last colonoscopy. I would definitely go ahead and get that scan and put your mind at ease for another five years. I think it would be well worth it and time well spent. You have to admit; if you don't, you're just going to be thinking about it. 😳So go ahead and get it done and put your mind at ease. Peace of mind has a price, and this is a small one. No reason to be anxious. Look at it as an opportunity to prove things are going well.
We do wish you all the best and getting good results from your scan. Please check back with us and let us know how it went. I feel good about it. We always love to hear good news.
Thank you,
~Tom, GCCA Survivor - Colon Cancer Connected Site Administrator.
Just a reminder - this group is here to offer support, share experiences, and offer our thoughts - but this is not medical advice, and you should always consult your medical professional(s). Additionally, for all emergencies, seek urgent medical care, never delay.
Thanks for your replies. My Dr sent another referral. Everyone I’ve spoken to says to get on with it and I will. I’ll let you know the outcome.
I still haven’t done it! My latest thought is to leave it until January next year. I’m seeing my Dr soon but I’m sure he’ll say ‘it’s up to me.’ If I don’t do it in June I’ll need yet another referral. I suspect my Dr will lose patience soon. Or lose a patient lol. I wish he would say ‘just do it!’
Awesome John. Let us know it goes. 👍
personally I would have it. If you have one and it shows something abnormal you have given yourself a chance, If you don’t then your taking a gamble but at the end of the day it’s your choice alone. I hope you make the right one.
Good luck