Hi everyone.
Nice meeting you guys and am very happy to be part of this group. Am caleb 29 years from Ghana, I was going through the internet to learn more about colon cancer after the passing away of Chadwick Boseman. I would like to share my experience with you guys and I hope you are going to help me. I have been experiencing abdominal discomfort for a week now and having difficulty sleeping because of my abdominal discomfort and bloating. I have been to the hospital to find out about my problems but the doctor prescribe drugs related to ulcer and after taking the drugs am still feeling some abdominal discomfort but its better than what I experience before, having changes in bowel movements. What prompt me to share my experience is that, I just found out blood in my stool after monitoring my stool for the past weeks and want to ask if its colon cancer and what stage? Am very scared and dont know if one can die shortly after been diagnosed of colon cancer.