Hello everyone. First of all you can call me Rain. I am 20 years old.
For more than two months now I have been having loose stools, sometimes very loose but sometimes not but still mushy (type 6 in bristol stool chart).
I've also been experiencing stomach gurgling even when i am not hungry.
Also, i feel a constant pressure in my anus like something is in there, a feeling like i need to poop but I can't whenever i try... I can also feel a lot of gas going to my anus but can't seem to pass them as fart.
No constant abdominal pain, very intermittent. What worry me the most are my abdominal gurgling, my stool, and this pressure I feel in my anus.
Can anyone talk to me? To at least calm my mind. I have health anxiety and this has affected me so much, can't even study properly coz i keep on worrying... Does it sound like i have bowel cancer? :/