I have had upper left quadrant abdominal pain for some time and I am worried it’s colon cancer .
I also feel these spasms and noises on my stomach but not all the time .Feels like my intestines are curling .
I have had bloods done all clear apart from slight anaemia and doctor said my vitamin d was low.i have had ultrasounds both abdominal and trans vagina and a were fine apart from gall stones and I was told it will be left side pain .
I haven’t lost any weight but I have had coccyx pain for 3 years now and I have had MRIs then to check the coccyx and it looked as if a bone was out of place .
I also had a CT scan in 2018 December after I had Terirbke stomach pain and it was all clear apart from traces of blood in my Urine and I had a flexible cystoscope to check the kidneys and they were all fine too.
I am worried about this abdominal pain and I am wondering if it could be colon cancer .I have no bloods in my stool but I see mucus occasionally .I also had two stool tests done and it was negative for heliobacter.
I have been to the GP but she referred me to GI consultant and I was given an appointment for December which is too long and I have gone back to say it’s too far and she will re do it as urgent.
Does anybody have any advice for me or suggestions.thanks