Just a brief note to let you know there are a few places available for the Cardiff CLL meeting on Jan 30th. cllsupport.healthunlocked.c...
The telephone answer machine seems to be playing up at the moment, you can secure a place by emailing trustees.pa@cllsupport.org.uk
The Henry Wellcome Building for Biomedical Research, University Hospital of Wales (UHW, ) Heath Park, Cardiff Wales. CF14 4XN
CLL Support Meeting: 10.30am - 2.30pm
7th Annual Normal and Malignant
Lymphocyte Meeting: 2.45pm onwards
There are still a few places available. If you are affected by CLL book now and inform us if you have special dietary requirements.
The University Hospital of Wales has provided the unique opportunity for us to partner with it and their annual Normal and Malignant Lymphocyte Scientific Meeting.
This year the early part of the day is given over to the CLLSA and we are fortunate to be supported by talks from Professor Fegan on CLL trials and the new treatments, and by Dr Chris Pepper from research. After a complimentary lunch, CLLSA member and patient Julia Kennedy will be talking about her PHD CLL research project, studying the CLL patient and the internet. Following questions and answers, those who wish to get on the road can do so and others may stay if they wish to enjoy the scientific talks. The first three will be CLL specific..
This meeting will allow all affected by CLL to spend time together and share their experiences, giving the opportunity to learn from each other and the expert speakers. This meeting affords the unique opportunity for interaction between the scientific, clinical and patient communities from all regions; allowing us all to benefit from this and develop support in the Welsh region.
programme: cllsupport.healthunlocked.c...
To reserve a place please contact Sarah Tobin trustees.pa@cllsupport.org.uk Alternatively you can call the Free phone answerphone line, 0800 9774396 and leave a message,