Just wondering if spleen will shrink after having 4 Rituximab treatments? Is this usually what happens?
Will spleen shrink after Rituximab treatment? - CLL Support
Will spleen shrink after Rituximab treatment?

Hi Redkatt,
Mine did, but it was slower than using a BTK or BCL2 inhibitor.
But one of your past postings indicated you have SMZL not CLL , so YRMV (your results may vary). macmillan.org.uk/cancer-inf...
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My spleen was 20+ cm, with some blood parameters low when I had my rituximab treatment - 4 weekly infusions - 2 years ago (and my diagnosis changed from CLL to SMZL a bit before that).
My spleen shrunk to around 11 cm, though it took a few months to do so.
My blood parameters returned to normal, except platelets, which are a bit below the norm.
So far, everything's stable!
Thanks for your reply. What tests were done to determine you had SMZL rather than CLL?
Well, they scratched their heads for long, because although I had an initial CLL diagnosis (made in a different country), they knew it doesn't really look like CLL and they struggled to name the disease correctly.
I think they agreed its SMZL once my spleen got big; I had no enlarged nodes, no mutations, no deletions, but white cell clones, worsening platelets and hemoglobin.
My stomach had been so compressed by my spleen that I had no appetite. BTW I had the 3 part FCR treatment