Hope someone can advise. I'm in Northern France on holiday and had an evening walk long trousers on but felt my knee go really hot. Rolled my trousers up and there was a tick in my knee cap. Fortunately I had a tick remover with having a dog so managed to get it all out thankfully. I've used a dettol wipe and some hand gel 75%alcohol. Will this be enough or do I need antibiotics. Quite shook up because I know some ticks are OK ( I've had one before) but some can affect you. Thanks
Tick bite!!: Hope someone can advise. I'm in... - CLL Support
Tick bite!!

The protocol where I live is to take a single high dose of Doxycycline. I think it was 200 mg. Good luck.
hi Jetliz:
It usually takes 24 hours for a tick to transmit some of the dangerous diseases. It doesn’t sound like that was the case in your situation? Try and enjoy the rest of your vacation. I’m sure you’ll be OK.
I was doing a lot of yard work for the past 2 weeks. About 5 days ago I noticed a red spot on my lower calf. I washed it out with peroxide and applied tea tree oil. Another 2 days passed and it got hotter and redder, but no temp. Because I became so sick from Influenza A Christmas time with a temp that would not subside with Tylenol , I decided not to chance it and went to the clinic last week. Was put on Doxycycline, and within 2 hours the heat and redness started to subside. As Neil aways explains , CLL is different in all of us. The Dr circled the area and told me to keep an eye on it and of course IF it got worse to seek the ER. The Dr reminded me about betadiene , which I used as a nurse on Pts, but totally forgot about its use for home . I would certainly monitor it closely , take a picture and or mark it. Again as Neil reminded all of us in post that infections such a cellulitis and other infections can take us CLL patients over quickly and tick bit can be dangerous. Hang in there. B safe and watch it.
As someone who has removed 1000 ticks from my spaniels, I believe it's not the bite that spreads disease but once it starts filling up, so as Hopeme says, its quite a few hours before there is a risk. Horrible little buggers.
You are right to feel anxious, they are nasty little things and if it was me I would seek medical advice.
Really appreciate everyone's advice thank you. I think Google made it worse rather than informative! Will certainly monitor it. I'd just arrived in a rural area late Sunday evening but at least today if I needed help it's on hand here. Feeling more reassured definitely. Isn't our forum priceless!!
Many Thanks Julia
Are not ticks the source of lime disease? I would definitely take the doxycycline.
Tick born illness can be very serious. Lyme disease is among some of the more well known disease that is spread by ticks. Although there are testimonials by some, and even myself that a tick bite has been non consequential, it is well studied and documented that if an infectious bite is left untreated in the early stage, the long term effects are complicated to treat. Late stage tick born disease is often debilitating and very difficult to diagnose because the symptoms mimic other illnesses. It is not uncommon among those who discover that they have late stage Lyme disease to describe a history of multiple chronic conditions that cannot be treated effectively.
Tick borne illness can be treated successfully if done early. As has been mentioned already, doxycycline is one medication that can be effective.
I know some of the people who study tick born illness at one of the NIH Infectious disease research laboratories, and my wife has late stage lyme disease. I would see a local physician that is familiar with the subject and consider their recommendation. Doxycycline is relatively safe unless you are allergic, and like LeoPa, at minimum I would take the doxy as a precaution.
See the local doc today, make this easy and get on with the vacation.
From a French Source - anses.fr/en/content/underst....
Try to identify the type of tick, as best you remember, by looking at photos on the internet. Different types carry different diseases, some are less concerning than others.
Update on tick bite.After reading everyone's advice I decided prevention is better than cure under the circumstances. I got a Dr's appointment within half an hour of visiting a medical centre. Very thorough looked through a magnifying glass and was happy all the tick was removed. I took some relevant hospital information of my latest CLL bloods etc and he gave me antibiotics as a means of precaution. The fact that it was removed within an hour he said normally that would have been enough. Thank you again for everyone's help. I can relax now hopefully and enjoy France!
I’m happy to hear about the antibiotics! I had Lyme that wasn’t detected for over a year, so I’d definitely choose the prevention route. Btw I had been told it doesn’t necessarily take 24 hours to transmit. Interesting that your leg felt hot, wow.
Enjoy your holiday!