I’m soon to be 55. I was diagnosed in the UK with MBL this summer. My lymphocytes were at six with over 50% of them monoclonal cells. I’ve just had my six-month check. I’ve come down to 4.8. I know that these numbers can move around quite a lot, but for now I’m really happy with the trend. I did change my diet to eat clean, lost a stone and a half and exercise a little most days. I also take green tea extract every day and that seems to have helped too. I’m not sure how often the numbers fluctuate up-and-down, but for now I’m guessing this is a good result and I should do more of the same?
First six-month blood test, and my lymphocytes... - CLL Support
First six-month blood test, and my lymphocytes have gone down!

Hi Jazzandblues,
You are correct, our blood test results vary from test to test, some due to our activities just before a blood draw, some are due to the variables of the testing, and some are real changes. So our doctors usually wait to see 2 - 3 or more tests in a row to identify a definite trend.
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Hey that's wonderful! Keep going, very good!!
I think if eating better, losing some weight, and exercise have all improved your parameters a bit, that's fabulous! Just don't feel disappointed if they fluctuate "up" again before going "down". Many of us see up & down patterns i stead of a steady rise. As long as you feel good & are happy, it's the right thing to do!
That's great news. Blood numbers do go down sometimes as well as up. They even stabilise, my numbers have been very similar for 4-5 years. I was diagnosed in 2009. Long may your numbers be low.
Keep doing what you are doing if it works for you! How do you eat clean? What diet if any, are you on?
The numbers will go up and down quite a bit. I was diagnosed 11 years ago with a WBC of 40. My lastest blood test a few weeks ago my WBC was 24. It had gone as high as 55 and then suddenly dropped below 30 within a 6 month period and has stayed there for 5+ years.