I was diagnosed back in February of 2021 with CLL and almost immediately went on Calquence twice a day 100 mg. It took approximately 3-4 months for numbers to come back in the normal range and they have been fine ever since. However, recently I have been experiencing atrial and shortness of breath every so often. I can tell when it is starting to become a problem because a few days before I have an event, I start to feel a slight increase in how my heart is beating in my chest. Meaning , my heart starts to race and feel like it’s beating harder. At this point I don’t feel any different physically, but I know that it will ramp up over the next couple days and then I will have a bigger episode. The episode almost always happens first thing in the morning and I feel like I’m going to pass out and get very short of breath.
The only thing I have done so far to deal with it, is I immediately take apple cider vinegar and raw honey with seltzer water and within about 10 minutes the symptoms start to subside. I get this weird warm feeling throughout my body that feels like my blood starts to flow better and my heart rate slows and blood pressure drops back to normal.
Does anyone else have this issue and would asking my doctor to cut back on the dosage help?