Scheduled to travel to Amelia Island Florida for a family vacation in two weeks. I am on Watch and Wait. I had three Pfzer shots between 2020 and 2021. I received my 4th shot , a Moderna Booster, on June 21. Had Covid on April 20 and received bebtelovimab. I have since recovered from the Covid except for a slight cough. Scheduled for Evusheld July 7. A little nervous about going to Fla. but I think I will be Ok? right?
Going to Florida and getting evusheld - CLL Support
Going to Florida and getting evusheld

Are you nervous about getting covid again or nervous about Evusheld side effects before traveling. I would not have any expert advice to give on either issue.
I can say that I had 2 Evusheld shots when no reaction to either one. I think that would probably be your experience as I think most don’t have serious reactions to Evusheld. Reactions, including life threatening reactions, to Evusheld can’t be ruled out. For me, Covid presents the way, way more serious threat to me, so I took a risk on Evusheld reactions. I had no reaction to Evusheld, most that do occur are mild. Serious reactions are rare, but possible.
Or are you worried about getting covid again? Since you just had it in July, I would think getting it again so soon would be very improbable.
I personally would get the Evusheld injection and go on my family vacation. Everything we do carries risk. If someone gets attacked by a shark off the NY coast, it’s amazing the people who go swimming at Pensacola beach on the Florida gulf.
Not that that has anything with the real risk you bring up, I am just remembering family trips to the beach where certain relatives of mine who have swam in the gulf their whole life, won’t swim in the gulf if someone gets sharkbit in Australia. Lol
I had zero reaction both times I got it. Come on down to my beautiful state and enjoy it. Just bring your swimsuit 🩱 and have a wonderful time. Going to be in the upper 90’s today.
I was one of the first to receive Evusheld. But they decided one dose was not enough so I got the second dose. It’s 2 jabs, one in each cheek. No reaction on either of them. Where you going in Florida?
Amelia island. Staying at a house on the Omni property. Any recommendations for activities? Three grown children, spouses, and 2 grandkids. I know Fla is hot, but what the heck. Wife and daughter picked the venue.
Never been there. I’m an hour away from Mousetown. Amelia is up by Jacksonville. I’ve been going to Mayo Clinic there since 2015. Hope you enjoy yourselves.
Florida now: Extremely hot and glorious until sun until 3 PM. No air movement. Then grey sky and clouds. After 5 PM raging thunderstorms and some prolonged rain. Soggy hot nights : The palms stand outside and sulk, while the tan house lizzards hang waiting for insects on the ceiling of the building entrance portal. Maybe a frog squacks somewhere. That's it ! Try not to need medical care in most of Florida . 1000 new residents arrive each day and there are not enough physicians. My retina specialist just cancelled my annual macular degeneration examination: One of the clinic's other retina specialists retired and they are "short on staff": "But you can get on the waiting list !" For people with chronic geriatric problems - only Miami and Tampa should be considered. But - I would I would visit Amalia Island now and take precautions and wear a mask everywhere. The opportunity may never return...
Tough call. Newer B4 and 5 Omicron versions can reinfect people who had previous versions of Omicron or any prior variant.
Unfortunately, a large percentage of CLL patients do NOT make antibodies after infection and get reinfected afterwards.
Evusheld should be a big help especially if you get the 600 mg (300/300) version as it appears to be effective against all variants and at this dose, at least partially effective against Omicron. It may not prevent infection but is likely to prevent death.
I'd still wear an N-95 on the flight or in any crowded indoor or outdoor place.
Good luck
Dr Green and CLL patient
Plus in that part of Florida in particular mask wearing is taboo. They are in denial about covid. People are getting reinfected within weeks of having Omicron. I would stay away from indoor dining.
I live in FL and see the hospital numbers here everyday from a group of hospitals . Hospitalizations for Covid remain low at the moment. People are getting Covid, but seem to be remaining at home for the most part. As a CLLer you have to stay cautious and take precautions. Amelia Island is gorgeous from what I hear, have fun.