I am always lookng for ways to assist me, as I travel through the quagmire of information and misinformation, which seems to exsist for most oif us CLL'rs. As a result, I have been researching, Nitric Oxide (NO).
I have absolutely no experience at all, in Science and Chemistry, so this will have to be in very simple Laymen's Term's, I'm afraid.
I first looked into this subject, whilst engaging in Slow, Long Breathing, through the nose, which I was told was, helpful to our' Immune System's. It seems that there has been much research on this, and the effects Nitric Oxide on the Immune System.
A Doctor Lou Ignarro, a Physiologist, obtained the 'Nobel Peasce Prize, along with two others, who helped identify 'Nitric Oxide'. Several other Doctors and Scientists, have also continued research on this over the years.
Basically (and I do mean basic) This compound or whatever Nitric Oxide is officialy described as, is only beneficial, when one breaths through the nose. As the air which carries oxygen through the Nasal passage, and the Synus, is the most efficient, if not the only means of receiving it.
Nitric Oxcide seems to have some 'Causal' properties, and effects, which is very good for our Immune Systems. I have also read that it features, in the treatment of Covid, in some Material way.. The exact details on this, I am, not ashamed to admit, are too complex for my 'Baby,Bear Brain', to absorb, and articulate.
Thus, the reason for this 'Post':
Is there anyone ou there, who has heard of Niric Oxide, or done any research on this subject, as well as nose breathing being beneficial to the 'Immune System'
I am aware that the Internet is swamped with people trying to make a Commercial Profit from, the Real Science' of this, and will try to make, as always, 'A Fast Buck'.
All the best. Ron