My brother 57 years old usually takes Ibrutinib 140 mg 3 times a day for just over a year and felt well. Now he has swollen lymph nodes in his stomach and high TSH blood value after the second dose of vaccine Sinopharm. Have someone experience about side effects after Sinopharm vaccine?
side effects after Sinopharm vaccine? - CLL Support
side effects after Sinopharm vaccine?

I received two doses of Sinopharm and third dose of Pfizer vaccine.After the Sinopharm vaccine I had pain in my arm about a week.Nothing else.I have not antibody.
Hi Name-1. Does that mean you do not have immunity if you do not have antibodies?
I have not immunity.
I don’t know about the vaccine, but does your brother take 140 mg of ibrutinib 3 times a day, or 3 pills once a day. The usual dosage is to take all 420 mg at once.
Check for news in or from nations that use Sinopharm. In the general news I have not noted adverse comments in Mexico and Argentina .
Where you live?
Hi, My brother lives in Iran but I live in Sweden and collect useful information and send to him because the internet does not work so well in Iran. He takes Ibrutinib 420 mg once daily.
hello! I live in Argentina and I have received 2 doses of Sinopharm and a 3rd of Astrazeneca, after the first 2 I have not had antibodies and now I no longer perform the test. I take 2 tablets of ibrutinib 280 mg. . I have had no adverse reactions with any application. I just pray that I have enough immunity for the case, God forbid, of having covid. I cuimucho, although sometimes I am quite tired. here in Argentina we do not have monoclonal treatments to fight the virus. I wish you luck and Happy New Year Covid free. Perdon por mi ingles😉