Did anyone notice their lymph nodes swelling more or their WBC count rise after their vaccines and if you had any blood tests after the vaccine and noticed a difference. I read AstraZeneca can lower platelets. If we didn’t have CLL it wouldn’t likely be a concern.
Vaccine: Did anyone notice their lymph nodes... - CLL Support

I had the Morderna vaccine and didn't notice any difference in Lymph swelling are much difference in lab work.........Although, my RBC and WBC did move in the normal range, but my Platelets count remain the same at low 110.
My husband has CLL and we both had AZ. Other than sore arm and a little tired, all was the same. He’s not due for bloodwork for a couple of months though. Wonder if he should request it though?
I haven't had a blood test since having the AZ injection but my lymph nodes did swell to a size of an egg in my right arm pit and I had the injection in my right arm. 10 days later its no longer swollen but tender. I have an appointment next month with my consultant so I will chat with him then.
My latest post asked the same question, if you'd like to check the replies.
I had the AZ vaccine with bad side effects that lasted for 4 - 5 days: headaches, body aches, fever, nausea, swollen nodes (on the side of the vaccine) numbness on the upper part of my body and arms/hands, lower back pain. Lymhnodes subsided after 10 days and now I feel fine. Due my next blood test in 2 weeks. They say side effects after second doze are worse so I am kind of dreading that. I had Covid last year and already had antibodies before I had the vaccine shot so I hope all of this is worth it!
I had the AstraZeneca vaccine had no side effects for the first 3 weeks then I noticed quite large swelling to the nodes under my arms and left side of my groin. My HB drop quite a lot as did my platelets. I have been taking ibrutunib for 18months and have until now felt well, but at first I was needing weekly transfusion of blood and platelets, they settled about 6 months after first taking ibrutunib. My doctor thinks it could be the vaccine, I had a CT scan on Saturday and I will request a blood test on Monday as I’m quite sure my HB has dropped further which will mean a blood transfusion again.I have known of others who had enlarged nodes but they reduced quickly. I guess it just a waiting game.
I had my first Pfizer vaccine on 3/10/2021 and bloodwork this week showed slight increase in WBC over last month. I am on imbruvica. My doctor thought it was probably due to the vaccine. My WBC had been steadily been going down prior to this month. (started imbruvica in August 2020). No other side effects from the vaccine other than a sore arm.
Depending on what component of your WBC increased, there may have been no change in the amount of CLL cells in your blood: healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo...
The lymohocyte count includes B, T and NK cells. Even if your lymphocyte count went up, it may well have been due to lymphocytes being produced on response to the vaccination, which is exactly what we want. It's the growing number of lymphocytes that cause the commonly reported swelling nodes in response to the vaccinations, after all.
Hi Curling:I had the Moderna vaccine and with the first one my White cells went up and with the second one some nodes were swallowed, I am taking inbruvica 420 and now my white cells are going down fast and my nodes are ok.
You may find my comment made to a similar post of interest within the last few days, which I have pasted here.
Previous comment: You pose a very interesting and relevant question, especially for me right now. I have just had my 2nd Pfizer shot on March 15. Coincidentally, I had my 6-mo blood collection 11 days post Pfizer shot #1. Results were concerning to my CLL specialist; specifically, RBC 2.3, hemoglobin 9.8, platelets 138, LDH 255 (41 points above upper level). Doc suspects AIHA and has started me on Prednisone. He has ordered 4 more blood collections and a followup visit 2 weeks following my March 8 visit. Interestingly, 3 of the confirmatory blood collections are after Pfizer shot #2. There has been speculation that CBC bloodwork may be wacky after the mRNA vaccines. I suppose that I am involved in my "n of 1" experiment. I am still W&W in my 7th year of this CLL journey.
Note: I copied and pasted this comment from the reply I made to devonrr a few minutes ago.
After 2nd Moderna, my left axillary (armpit) started to become tender and swollen about the 4th day. It was the size of an egg. By day 8 the swollenness receded as did the tenderness.
I had my First Phifer vaccine March 7th. My platelets dropped down and when I went to my hematologist he wants me to come in and check all my WBC again First week of April. He knows I have my 2nd vaccine March 28th. It may not be the vaccine it may be just time the start taking medicine. I will see. It’s mean almost 5 years with the WBC up to 40.
got Pfeizer vaccine. no antibody developed. no change in WBC
I received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Blood test levels were still in the same range; lymph nodes did not change much. BUT - my spleen definitely felt much larger. I could barely feel it before, and now it's so easy to find - also some discomfort there. See my oncologist in 3 weeks...
Forgot to mention - I did have an antibody test about 2 1/2 weeks after the second vaccine. Pleased to report that antibodies WERE detected. I am on W&W, almost 9 years - treatment naive.
No, mine actually went down and I think they have stayed down. I had no side effects at all and feel incredibly well thank goodness. This will be my third year in October of watch and wait.