UK issue: My GP can only record my latest Covid vaccine as a "booster dose" rather than as a "Third Primary Dose" (IT system limitation). This means that I will have to remember to get the "booster dose" in six months, in case the system does not. I assume I will have to go through the argument with them again that this one was not the booster. It is worth checking "how it is recorded" when you go for your third dose .
Recording of Third Primary Covid Vaccine Dose - CLL Support
Recording of Third Primary Covid Vaccine Dose

I've just experienced the same and he's put it the notes!
I have just read on the BBC News App that it is a known issue.
The main thing is that you've got a fresh dose. I'm sure there will be many in the same boat and the NHS will give you a 4th/ booster if and when that time comes.
I really hope you are right but experience so far belies that. I wrote to my specialist clinic 2 weeks ago and received an email asking me to be patient as they "were working through so many of their patients." Since then I have heard nothing from them, my GP or the NHS booking system.
I continue to contact relevant arms of the NHS but as we all know, although individuals in the NHS are superb, the steam driven bureaucracy and Victorian IT systems make their lives (and ours) hard,
There is a new government edict out to chief executives.. Saying just that! So something like a barn door oof after the horse has well and truly gone.... I have saved both invitations for 3rd primary dose from consultant which mentions it is a 3rd dose and a 4th to follow and the letter sent to doctors from gov. com Sept 1st I am expecting it to be yet another battle 😢 sadly
It is definitely worth checking recording systems to prevent more confusion than already exists. I always record vaccine need in advance in my diary incase systems fail.Ann