Would anyone know how to interpret the test results? Are there any guidelines other than „positive“ or „negative“? Everywhere I checked it states that the numbers are not to be interpreted as a level of protection [against infection].
COVID-19 Antibody - Interpretation of Test Res... - CLL Support
COVID-19 Antibody - Interpretation of Test Results

In short no. Its said even if there are no antibodies measurable that there could be Tcell protection. If there are antibodies present then noone would commit to interpreting your score in terms of how much protection that gives you compared to anyone else with a different score. There's also the quality of the antibodies to consider as well and I don't think that is easily tested, certainly not in a cheap home test kit. I have antibodies, 189U/ml 4 months after last vaccine but I've realised now that other than it showing I did react to the vaccine it doesn't mean that much. I've no idea am I protected and it would be fool Hardy to assume anything.
That about summarizes it perfectly.
Cheap home kits are a total waste of money, and even the 'proper' tests, don't really explain or give you much reassurance, except for the fact that they confirm that you have been vaccinated...But then you know that anyway....
And add to this, unless there is a second test a month or so after the initial test there is no way of knowing if you retained antibodies. I lost all mine within 6 weeks of my 2nd Pfizer dose.
Thank you very much! At times, even a „there is no answer“ is a ‚good answer‘. So, I appreciate your time! I just wanted to ensure I didn’t miss anything. What I found in the meantime though was a report on the response levels in relation to the type of treatment one received or is receiving. If you are interested, please let me know. Thanks again!
I have probably seen that, IIdo recall there was one med which showed a slight statistical improvement but not much. I'm on w+w so no treatment.