After 3 1/2 years my flair trial on venetaclax and ibrutinib finally reached an end with MRD reached . Really pleased though a little apprehensive being back in watch and wait and wondering when cll will rear it’s head again,the consultant said she had no findings to go on this arm of the trial but hopefully will not need treatment for years so fingers crossed .
Looking back on my journey started just over 8yrs ago I can remember the GP telling me you have chronic lymphocytic leukaemia but not to worry my mother had it for years and didn’t need treatment (well she got that wrong) and sent me off with a print out saying you will get a appointment from the hospital soon to confirm it.I went home sobbed and sobbed waited for my husband to come home. But now after all the pills and hospital visits everything looks Rosie the side effects from the drugs for me were not too bad the one I found most annoying was the nausea but the anti sickness medication helped.
So I wish you all on the trial the same success take care fingers crossed they will find a cure.