Despite this being my 3rd treatment I’m usually quite well, however I’ve been feeling really unwell since March with Chronic Sinusitis, which developed into a bacterial infection, pneumonia and beginnings of sepsis. (Trial treatment was stopped for a week whilst I was in hospital) My Haematologist told me that I have low immunoglobulin and has organised transfusions. I’ve felt so wiped out, so imagine my surprise when I was told after only 9 months on the trial that I am MRD Negative!!! I’m turning 50 next week which I sometimes wandered over the last 6 years if I would make it to that - I’m very grateful for everything but today I had the transfusion and had a reaction, they tried it again after a break but it happened again so they stopped it.
Has anyone else had issues with their transfusions? I was hoping it would give me a boost so I have double the reason to celebrate!