Vaccination side effects? One week on? - CLL Support

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Vaccination side effects? One week on?

Lucy0908 profile image
42 Replies

Hello everyone, I’m 7.5 years into W&W with CLL. (I’m 55) Had the first dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vacccination last Friday (5th February) Felt tired the following afternoon and slight soreness at injection site, but I am feeling really exhausted in the afternoons, (mornings are ok) slight headache and sore throat, which again, come on in the afternoons. I’m sleeping well and not working at the moment anyway so usually manage to pace myself - just wondering if anyone else has had possible side effects still, up to a week after the vaccination?

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Lucy0908 profile image
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42 Replies
Belfastbees profile image

well its too early to say for me as I (diagnosed march 2020, 56 on w+w) only got my first AZ around 26 hours ago. I slept well, woke this morning with a dull headache. as the day has progressed My headache has worsened and i feel slightly achy generally, and a litle bit of tiredness. Nothing I cant manage so far no meds taken. I see a reaction as a good thing. A bit miffed if it lasts longer than the normally quoted 48 hours but given i feel it takes me longer to clear even a head cold I guess it might be expected. I'll certainly give updates.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Belfastbees

Thank you! I suppose just at the back of my mind I’m wondering if it’s anything else, mild virus or something.

Belfastbees profile image
Belfastbees in reply to Lucy0908

It would be a great coincidence but not impossible. Fatigue can go alngside CLL but if you didn't feel that before your jab its most likely a reaction to the vaccine. I've thankfully got no CLL symptoms, which I hope remains the case for a very long time. Lets hope it is your immune system putting up a fight.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Belfastbees

Amen to that! My worst and overriding symptom has always been fatigue, sadly nothing new there.

Belfastbees profile image
Belfastbees in reply to Lucy0908

Oh, perhaps then as your immune system has had a kick it may be dues to your CLL, but hopefully it will pass or move to an easier to manage level.

Phil4-13 profile image

I had the Moderna a week ago only some soreness left in my arm. Everyone I speak to who had a vaccine has responded differently and usually for at least a week. I sure hope you can feel all symptoms are done. Sandra😊

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Phil4-13

Thanks Sandra, I’m sure I’ll be fine! Was just curious to hear other stories too.

AnnHow profile image

My brother had AZ three weeks ago and hasn’t have any side effects. He’s Watch and Wait too. I think it varies considerably.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to AnnHow

I think it does, definitely, like any vaccination or procedure

Cfar profile image

Hi LucyI had my first Pfizer vaccine 8 days ago. Like you my initial symptoms were sore arm,tiredness and a headache for around d 24 hours.

However after 3 days my throat started feeling sore and painful and got worse over the next couple of days but no temperature, but my lymph nodes in my neck on one side became enlarged ( bigger than normal, they usual are about 1.5 cm).

Now I'm on day 8 I'm feeling much better but my throat still feels a little painful but no headaches.

I am going to contact my doctor today just to check there is no infection but I too am wondering if my symptoms are due to a reaction to the vaccine.

I'm on W&W and not on any medication. I was diagnosed with CLL in July 2020.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Cfar

I hope you’re soon on the mend, seems to affect people in different ways

GD-K profile image

Had my Oxford jab 8 days ago. Still feeling very sick, headache and very tired. Concerned it's taking so long to clear . I guess it will.Can only assume the cll for which I'm taking albrutanib is a factor.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to GD-K

Poor you, I hope you feel better soon. Take care

nancy_37 profile image

Hi Lucy, I had AZ 4 days ago and other than a sore arm have had no real side effects. I felt a bit tingly in my arm and feet on the night of jab - don’t know if that was just the cold! I’m on ibrutinib.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to nancy_37

Thanks Nancy! It certainly is cold right now

Vakraas profile image

AZ three days ago. Arm is still sore, and I feel slightly scratchy and slightly phlegmy - but then it has been unusually cold these last few days, so I'm not sure if that's a vaccine side effect or the weather! I've been on W&W for 15 years. I was diagnosed in 2006 when still in my 30s; I'm currently 52.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Vakraas

Gosh that’s amazing you’ve been on W&W for so long 💪must have been a real shock to get that diagnosis so young. I have staved off treatment so far but haemoglobin levels are beginning to drop so my team are watching closely. Fingers crossed.

Hilo13 profile image

Had Oxford vaccination last Saturday was unwell Sunday Monday Tuesday with aches high temperature bad headache and exhausted and I slept a lot . My arm was swollen and sore and quite red, but by Thursday my arm was much better , and I feel much better still tired but I’m always tired 😂I am on W&W. if I have anything such as head cold etc . It takes a while to get over it . I am so grateful for the opportunity to have the vaccine that feeling Unwell for a few days is a small price to pay for piece of mind . Also as others have said at least I’m hoping that my body reaction means I’m building up some sort of immunity 🤞. Bring on the second one 😂😂

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Hilo13

I couldn’t agree more re feeling so lucky and privileged to have had the vaccine, I felt quite elated afterwards and of course, any side effects small price to pay!

Therapy-Lady profile image

I had AZ last Saturday, I have been on W&W for two years, I was fine until the evening and then I had a really bad night with flu like symptoms and ached everywhere including my chest. I also felt really thirsty. On Sunday I still ached and was tired, but by Tuesday evening I felt fine. I'm 55, stay safe x

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Therapy-Lady

Thanks Therapy-Lady. Us 55 year olds need to stick together!

Manxcat1234 profile image

I had the Astra Zeneca vaccine on 24th jan. Felt a bit tired following day then had horrendous thunderclap headaches until yesterday. I was admitted to hospital and had brain scans and a lumbar puncture. I have been on ibrutinib for 2 years. They are putting it down to the vaccine. There are a lot of unknowns, I am pro vaccine and think I was just unlucky. Hope you all get on ok.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Manxcat1234

I’m so sorry to hear that, sounds like you had a really tough time. Mine is nothing my comparison! Take care.

blowinginthewind profile image

I am still a bit tired - my injection was last Friday too. I am cutting screen time because I had a niggley head ache some days, later afternoon. And anyway in lockdown I was on screen too much. But a reaction is positive, it means your body is dealing with the vaccine and should recognise and react to the virus if you come into contact with it.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to blowinginthewind

Many thanks for your message. Take care and I agree, some sort of reaction generally a good thing.

Stavrou1 profile image

Hi Lucy I am 56 and was diagnosed with CLL last September and on W & W . I also had Oxford /AstraZeneca a week today . My symptons started with onset headach in the evening , not terrible . Following morning aching muscles , weak legs , lifting my arm above my shoulder was painfull . Armpit gland swollen and very painfull to touch for 4 days , some swelling still there . Arm was very sore where vaccinated . Today is fine . Totally Shattered, was ok pacing a lot before as the day goes on dip onwards struggle . Since yesteday i too now have a bit of sore throat . Main glands in neck bit more visable which is freaking me out !!! Beem in touch with dr . Trying bed rest . Listen to your body as we very vulnerable with . Hope feel better. 🤗

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Stavrou1

Stavrou, rake dare, rest and I’m sure you’ll recover well. Thank you for replying.

Stavrou1 profile image
Stavrou1 in reply to Lucy0908

Thank you 😊

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Lucy0908

Sorry, meant take care!!!

PumpkinTyger profile image

My friend, who has Lupus and had Pfizer, was told by the hospital to expect a reaction about a week after vaccination as it takes time to build up, and then feel a bit rotten for a week. Bang on cue she felt sick and tired on day 6 and by day 12 was right as rain. I had AZ on Tuesday and feel a little more tired in the afternoon but nothing obvious but now a little on tenterhooks to see what happens by day 7 😬

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to PumpkinTyger

Really interesting, thank you. I wish your friend well

bettyba profile image

Hello yes I've had the same symptoms. A week today and feel less fatigued but still have a feeling of a cold and taking paracetamol but much improved. Take care x

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to bettyba

Thank you Betty, just how I feel too. Take care.

jijic profile image

I had similar reactions to the pneumovax vaccine, for what it's worth.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to jijic

Interesting ....

PaulaS profile image

Hi Lucy, I too had the AZ vaccine last Friday Feb 5th.

It was about 2 days later that the side effects started. Mornings were reasonably OK but every evening I was nauseated, body aching, chills, coughing etc. Also had very tender arm (couldn't lift it much - couldn't wash my hair). Much more tired than usual - more like a deep fatigue than ordinary tiredness.

However, as the days passed I gradually felt better. I've now been able to wash my hair - big relief. And yesterday evening I didn't get any chills or body aching. Phew. Energy is slowly returning, though I don't feel I'm quite back to normal yet. Very glad I've had the jab though, and will be glad to get the second one as well.

Interesting to read different people's experiences. I hope you too are feeling better now.


Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to PaulaS

Thank you Paula, it seems as though I’ve got off very lightly. Hope you continue to feel better every day

Sunny12345 profile image

Hi Lucy0908, I am 6 years W&W (58) and had a very similar reaction to yours for my first modera shot. This Wednesday I had the second dose and it was quite a bit worse although well worth it. Chills, waves of tiredness and aches & pains Wednesday evening and in bed all day yesterday with fever, chills, nausea, aches all over. Woke with a fever again this morning but now starting to feel a lot better. It’s good to know we are having a robust reaction!

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Sunny12345

Hi Sunny, definitely! Though am sorry you’ve felt so rough. But now you’re done - amazing!

Pekingese profile image

Hi Lucy, I’m on W&W Cll I had my Oxford jab 8 days ago second day arm painful and heavy felt shivery, 3rd day felt ok apart from my arm feeling sore. My arm still sore only when I touch it, hope fully it settles down.

Lucy0908 profile image
Lucy0908 in reply to Pekingese

Wishing you a speedy recovery! My mild “side effects” only lasted a week

Pekingese profile image

Thank you Lucy 😊

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