Thanks for all of you with your previous replies. As you know I have been diagnosed last month with SLL/CLL and now I have all my test results. I hope you can share your experience with similar results to mine and dice me with what to expect:
1) CBC all numbers are within the normal range
2) Flow Test
i) Minor CD5+ monoclonal B-cell population (2.5% of sample) with CLL/SLL immunonphnotype
ii) Tumor cells are CD49d+ (>30% staining), which unfavorable prognostic features
iii) ALC=2200
3) IGVH Unmutated (unfavorable prognostic indicator in SLL/CLL
4) Molecular test = Negative:TP53 pathogenic NOT DETECTED
5) FISH test = Negative fish results for CLL panel analysis, no evidence of a structural chromosomal alteration involving the loci examined on chromosomes 6, 11, 12, 13 and 17
6) CAT Scan:
i) There is extensive adenopathy present. There is adenopathy in the supraclavicular regions, both axilla, mediastinum, retroperioneum and in the pelvis. This is consistence with given diagnosis of lymphoma
ii) Small nodule-like density in the right upper lobe may merely be an area scarring but should be evaluated on follow-up to document stability
iii) Hepatic steatosis
iv) Normal appearance of the spleen
v) Review of bone windows demonstrates no evidence of destructive bone lesion.
The doctor is keeping me on wait and watch and would like to see me in six weeks. He said I am more into SLL than CLL since blood numbers are within normal range.
I am still scared and do not know what are the meanings of all this? and what to expect in the future?. Am I at an advanced stage? how much time do I have? shall I just do nothing and let the Leukemia take its course and surrender to death?