Background: 5 years W&W CLL, however, regular severe infections and finally a severe viral-induced ITP in October resulting in 1 platelet and 9 day hospitalization. So, even though my platelets were back up in the 60-70's after 6 weeks, they didn't stabilize at that level and, as we weened down the prednisone, I'm now at 13, so....
Beginning a 5-week course of Rituxan tomorrow. Very hopeful because if I didn't know it, I would say I'm in perfect health - my energy and mood are very good. Most promising areas of interest and self-study these days: KETO diet (with high protein to avoid weight loss); 12-hour fasting between dinner and breakfast (again, the effects are all positive).
Wondering if a longer fast (3-day water) or intermittent fasting might help re-set my immune system along with everything else I'm doing. Problem is I'm a bit low in the BMI index so no one in the fasting field will supervise me.
Finally, I've continued my mind/body work - meditation, special healing music and self-hypnosis/NPL, walks in nature. The more I practice these, the better I feel and my numbers improve.