Hey all, need some advice,
W&W 4-1/2 years. I feel perfectly fine, good energy no fatigue. Today my hematologist told me I need 4-weeks of rituxan transfusions due to ITP (low platelets) following a virus infection which resulted in a Platelet count of 1. (Hospitalized Oct 7th for 9 days, given platelets and IGIV transfusions. Discharged with 10 platelets and given high dose prednisone (100mg). Now down to 20mg/day.)
Platelets were 77 on a follow up 2 weeks ago, but today 43. WBC however went from 60+ to 40+ to 19 today in the course of 3 weeks. He's not considering the Rituxan as a response to CLL progression but specifically for the platelet situation. He's concerned about long-term effects of Prednisone so wants to get me off sooner than later (I agree).
Any thoughts?