Update bloodwork I have to say besides the side effects with these targeted therapy pills it’s really shown a miracle my white blood count was 230,000 then it went down to 115,000 now it’s 55,000 my hemoglobin is 10.2 lymphocytes 20,000 are now 52,081 this pill is truly a miracle cancer sucks but IWill not let it define who I am I know I have to take this for the rest of my life but the alternative would be worse..
Imbruvica : Update bloodwork I have to say... - CLL Support

Hi littledab,
It's great that you are getting miraculous results from Ibrutinib, and we all hope that some trials will reveal a combination of other drugs with Ibrutinib that will allow us to stop all medication for long periods of time.
BTW- we rarely use the term Chemotherapy to describe Ibrutinib, preferring the term Targeted Theraply. Here are some links to the difference:
What are targeted cancer therapies?
Targeted cancer therapies are drugs or other substances that block the growth and spread of cancer by interfering with specific molecules ("molecular targets") that are involved in the growth, progression, and spread of cancer. Targeted cancer therapies are sometimes called "molecularly targeted drugs," "molecularly targeted therapies," "precision medicines," or similar names.
Targeted therapies differ from standard chemotherapy in several ways:
Targeted therapies act on specific molecular targets that are associated with cancer, whereas most standard chemotherapies act on all rapidly dividing normal and cancerous cells.
Targeted therapies are deliberately chosen or designed to interact with their target, whereas many standard chemotherapies were identified because they kill cells.
Targeted therapies are often cytostatic (that is, they block tumor cell proliferation), whereas standard chemotherapy agents are cytotoxic (that is, they kill tumor cells).
Targeted therapies are currently the focus of much anticancer drug development. They are a cornerstone of precision medicine, a form of medicine that uses information about a person’s genes and proteins to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease.
Many targeted cancer therapies have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat specific types of cancer. Others are being studied in clinical trials (research studies with people), and many more are in preclinical testing (research studies with animals).
Thank you!
Ok 👌🏻 I put chemotherapy because that’s what is on the pill bottle but thank you for let me know
Little dab
That’s awesome that you are doing so well! God bless I had a little chuckle when I read your chemotherapy pill comment! I can remember no so long ago it (targeted therapy drugs) being called chemo in a pill whatever we call it I as you am very happy that Imbruvica is working so well for us!
Thank you! I will say targeted therapy from now on
Sorry new at this. But thanks for letting me know
I think as long as you’re kicking cll’s but you call it what ever you like! I’m sure there’s a high percentage of us that still call it a chemo pill have a great day keep doing what you are doing!!
Little dab - I am on Ibrutnib and this week had an appointment with my lovely respiratory Specialist- & he called my “targeted therapy” - chemo!
He of course deals in lungs & not a CLL Specialist- so don’t worry. You aren’t alone 😂🤣😂. Ps my lovely lung Doc - doing wonders with my Pleurisy and Bronchiectasis - & a real gem of a man- so kind and empathetic- Helen 🇦🇺

Every medic I’ve ever come into contact with calls my ‘targeted therapy’ chemo and I’ve given up correcting anyone! 🙄
Ok ok!! I changed it!! Sorry 😐
I was agreeing with you littledab! 😊
It’s frustrating because we are told it is chemo and receive labels and even a warning card to carry advising we are on chemo. No surprise then that’s what we call it even though we actually know it’s not chemo in it’s true sense.
I realised in hospital I was fighting a losing battle trying to describe the distinction. You’ve done nothing wrong if a legion of medical professionals can’t get it right!
Best wishes,
Hi so pleased for you. I have been on IB For 6 months now. The improvement has been pretty dramatic all round. Stay well.
Hello littledab
Actually ibrutinib is chemotherapy because it is a chemical therapy, but patients do not panic as much if ibrutinib is called targeted therapy or inhibitor drug or novel treatment. Regardless it works really well. Blessings.
From the Wikipedia entry on Chemotherapy: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemo...
"The term chemotherapy has come to connote non-specific usage of intracellular poisons to inhibit mitosis, cell division. The connotation excludes more selective agents that block extracellular signals (signal transduction). The development of therapies with specific molecular or genetic targets, which inhibit growth-promoting signals from classic endocrine hormones (primarily estrogens for breast cancer and androgens for prostate cancer) are now called hormonal therapies. By contrast, other inhibitions of growth-signals like those associated with receptor tyrosine kinases are referred to as targeted therapy. "
So while the term "chemotherapy" is used in the vernacular for any drug used to treat cancer, Ibrutinib very much falls into the targeted therapy category. The "inib" means inhibitor and Ibrutinib inhibits the Bruton Tyrosine Kinase enzyme in the B-cell receptor signalling chain that would without inhibition, signal the CLL cells to stay alive and clone by cellular divisio, increasing the CLL tumour.
We are never going to correct medics, but I consider the chemo/non-chemo distinction to be very important within our community. Many of us fear chemotherapy, because of the risk of secondary cancers from DNA damage to dividing cells, particularly in our bone marrow. There's a known risk of developing AML and MDS from FCR treatment, due to the effects of Fludarabine and Cyclophosphamide (the F and C) on our bone marrow. The newer targeted therapies don't have that associated risk.