Just a question on of my results. The last two land shows a lot of things out of whack. But one is anion gap with a reading of 2 and LL which is critical (panic). I was diagnosed with CLL in February 2018. Started Gayza in September thru December. Was about 16 treatments. Labs did not improve. I have an enlarged liver and spleen. I have a 6.5 mass near my only ovary. I see an oncologist gynecologist for this today. Funny thing is he was the first oncologist I saw in 18 who wasn't worried about the mass but the blood work and sent me to another oncologist. There are no dedicated CLL specialist in my area. I tried to go to James Cancer Center in Ohio bit they needed my medical records faxed from their office to them and they wouldn't do it. My oncologist moved out of state and they have me another oncologist that I will see in the middle of October. My WBC goes from 1.7 to 2.9. I have something on my lower left rib cage that the ER doctor found but told me to follow up with my oncologist. So back to the question normally is the low anion gap due just everything going on or could it be due to something else. Sorry for the question and long post but where I live they just say see you next month.
Test result meaning: Just a question on of my... - CLL Support
Test result meaning

Hi Mamawof
I am sorry you are struggling and fearful of your results.
I am not certain what this result is:
But one is anion gap with a reading of 2 and LL which is critical...
It would be helpful if you can explain what an anion gap is, and if you can give your blood count numbers, Hb, Platelets, wbc, neutrophil and lymphocyte numbers.
with out understand your results any response is just speculative.
Kind regards

Mamawof25, the Cleveland Clinic has an online site for 2nd opinions---the site is called "MyConsult" and here is the link:
It will take time and there will be the need of your reports, and they have a medical record collection service as part of the 3rd step that can get your records without your having to go back to your Dr. for them.
I hope this helps, I urge you to begin the process today. And, please let us know how things go. BEST WISHES.
Hi Mamawof25. I don't know what anion gap is. But as for mass near ovary... it's quite possible that is simply an enlarge lymph node due to CLL. I had that situation back in 2005. And that mass that was enlarged node remained for years, visible on ultrasounds and MRIs. It was probably the first indicator of my CLL/SLL, but no one recognized it as such. I am very glad I didn't allow them to do exploratory surgery as they wanted. I probably would have ended up with parts removed unnecessarily.
So of course let them check out that mass more thoroughly with imaging so you can get some answers. And I hope your answer for the mass turns out to be as simple as mine was.
From the Medline website: "The anion gap blood test is used to show whether your blood has an imbalance of electrolytes or too much or not enough acid."
More info here: medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/a...
I imagine "LL" refers to lower limit.
I have always met resistance getting records from the health organization that does most of my primary medical actions. They cannot legally deny you access to the records, however, they may charge you for copies or information transfer services. The best luck that I have had when needing records transferred is to provide the records department with a release of information form. This form states the medical organization(s) that you will be giving information privileges too. Once the records department is presented with the signed release, they must provided the records to the approved requesting party.
Good luck,