Having horrible night sweats...have 3 fans going..on watch and wait..highest WBC 50,000..any relief for this?
CLL night sweats: Having horrible night sweats... - CLL Support
CLL night sweats

I just started with the night sweats. But I'm also fighting a cold. Had to get out of bed at 4am just to go downstairs where it's colder. Highest WBC so far (that I know of) is 31k.
Hope you get some relief soon!
I know that feeling. 😱Perhaps I can meet you downstairs at around that time😂 keep cool. Hazel UK x
my first inclination was to tell you my night sweats only stopped after i started taking imbruvica. However i looked at your original posting and see you have crohn's disease. Night sweats are a symptom in crohns also.
Near the end of my FCR treatment (5th month) I developed an infection because my neutrophil count had dropped way to low. I had night sweats that were so intense that I had to move to the other side of the bed and then I had to get up and change the sheets in the middle of the night. When I saw my oncologist he immediately gave me a shot of filgrastin and put my on antibiotic IV's for 5 consecutive days. I then went onto an antibiotic for 2 weeks. He then refused to give my 6th FCR treatment because he felt the risk outweighed the reward. If your nightsweats are as intense as mine then you need to get help asap.
Best Wishes,
Buy a chill pillow, worked wonders for me, or fill a hot water bottles with ice cubes, and keep a spare ready to refill during the night.
My chill pillow is wonderful and has helped a lot.
Hello truff4507
I had drenching night sweats for couple of months before being diagnosed with CLL, that is what drove me to the doctor. I had drenching night sweats most nights with short 2-3 month time without bad night sweats during cooler weather. My night sweats stopped 1 1/2 months after starting B+R treatment. It can be bothersome, but I would not have started treatment solely to stop night sweats. Blessings.
Night sweats were one of the symptoms that drove me to the doctor as well.
Exercise. I run every single day for at least 30 minutes. My night sweats and a-fib completely go away if I stay consistent. I've found if I stop running, they come back after about 4-5 days, so there's no stopping!
I'm 11q unmutated and have been on active observation (W&W) for 18 months. Probably had CLL for 2 years.
Yes, I do understand your dilemma because I had some terrible night sweats. Practically every night, I would get up to change my bed. Then take a shower bkz I was soaked with sweat. Very, very annoying for me but eventually they stopped while taking Ibrutinib. This was in the very beginning when diagnosed with CLL stage 4. Boy, was I ever glad when the sweats subsided. But you must realize that this is one of the ways that your body gets rid of toxins.
I thank God that the night sweats are over. Please tell your doctor so they can prescribe medicine for you. Believe me, you will get through this.
Hoping that you will get relief soon.
Night sweats can be tough going. It was only a few months ago that I had them severely. Waking up continually drenched is no fun. I would see you doctor Asap. I agree with Lulu1111, you are so glad when they begin to subside.