night sweats
night sweats: night sweats - CLL Support
night sweats

Welcome LFCB but you’ll need to tell us more about your situation. Are you suffering night sweats as the results of CLL or another health condition?
Just wondering about night sweats in general. Low grade temp. for one week, night sweats 3 nights, 4 without but I had an emergency room visit where they found small blood clots in my right lung. Can the fever and night sweats become worse because of other health issues? in other words an extremely stressful physical situation. Thank you.
I’m sorry I’m not fully understanding LFCB. This is a site for people diagnosed or affected by Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia and this condition can result in drenching night sweats which are specific to this blood cancer in causation. We couldn’t possibly speculate on the reason for night sweats across a range of other health issues in general. That’s a question for your doctors and I’m sorry small clots have been found in your right lung. It’s understandable that you must feel stressed.
Do you have CLL?
Yes. Diagnosed in October and had one incidence of night sweats but none since until two days after diagnosis with blood clots. Now night sweats frequently. Just wondering if they increase when other health issues happen because of increased stress on my immune system. The ER doctor that diagnosed the blood clots just shrugged his shoulders about the temperature 99.4 up and down a few degrees. My cll doctor says it is nothing to worry about but I wondered if anyone else had increased night sweats when other health issues arise.
I certainly suffered night sweats when I had a chest infection and my levels were ramping up LFCB. Doesn’t sound like a very responsive reply from your doctors.
Thank you. Having a doctor tell you not to worry doesn't help me not worrying mainly because of the low grade temp. that no one seems to be able to explain. It started right before blood clots got to the point of excruciating pain and am on anti-coagulants with dry cough so I guess perhaps night sweats may be related since yours became more frequent with your infection in your chest. I am going to seek a second opinion about everything. Thank you for sharing the fact that your chest infection made the night sweats more frequent. I have had two nights without so maybe this will eventually resolve. Temperature has been normal for a while each Fay but then comes back.
What is LFCB? This is all so new to me.
It’s the avatar you use! Presumably LFCB has some significance to you? 😊
my wife takes tramadol and it gives her night sweats if she takes it to close to bedtime
Whenever I get a migraine I have the night sweats (even in the daytime) and for some reason I also run a fever when I get my migraines, usually 99.5 or close to that.
I have also wondered why this happens
That is really interesting. For three days I had the worst headache I have ever had and the night sweats started on the third night but eventually went away but the fever still off and on although when it started it was 100.3 now 99.2 mostly. Our bodies are weird and no one really has an explanation. Thanks for the message.
Before I started on venetoclax and ibrutinib I had terrible sweats day and night which diminished soon after I started taking the medication,but sadly has returned has anyone else had this happen ?.
Hello LFCB
CLL seems to cause common issues with a persons body temperature regulation. Before treatment, I had hot flashes during the day and drenching night sweats almost every night. I did not have any other health concerns other than CLL. The night sweats and hot flashes stopped about 1 1/2 months into my CLL treatment. To keep from changing night cloths and sheets during the night, I bought a buckwheat pillow and hospital 3' x 6' quilted cotton pad. This absorbed most of the night sweat. Best going forward.
Thank you for your reply. Doctors don't address this issue it seems but it is concerning.
My night sweats come and go at times without any apparent influence, however, they often accompany the onset of a compromised health condition.
Now that I am being treated, the night sweats are much less often and less intense.
If you have a pulmonary embolism. (Small clots in your lung ) Then you have a reason for night sweets. Frankly CLL should be the furthest thing from your mind. The first letter in CLL is chronic. If you have a P.E. Is acute that takes presidency over all others. Can be fatal. If your on watch and wait they will have given you blood thinners like no other.
I hope you feel better and more than likely everything going on with sweets is more related to your acute diagnosis.