It’s now two weeks since my first session of chemo. On day four I felt exhausted and really nauseous so slept on and off most of the day,day five I managed to pass out and fall down the stairs and ended up in hospital as I banged my head, was allowed out the following day after a night on a drip . Since being home I have slowly felt better as each day passes and nauseousness has now gone and my consultant intends to change my anti sickness tablets at next chemo time so fingers crossed it works. So not the greatest start but I am sure others have had worse.
Fcr update: It’s now two weeks since my first... - CLL Support
Fcr update

Hi dandelup,
I'm so sorry to hear about your problems, and especially the fall and hospital event. I hope you feel better and the side effects are less for your future treatments.
Oh my gosh! Please stay on the first floor after treatment. I hope the rest of your treatments go well.
Yes. Day 4 and 5 are difficult and always will be. You are no different. There will be blips.
Early morning I blacked out and fell in the bathroom, so cracking my cheek bone. The fault was the antisickness tablet dosage. But all sorted the next time.
Tip: keep a container/ bowl by the side of your bed for the first week of each cycle, so if you feel nauseous you do not have to get up and dash across the room, so preventing a fall.
Well done. Waiting for results now!

Wow, you clearly like doing it in style and I'm sure you will have made an impression on your team!
Better luck for the next sessions, please take care
So sorry you had a rough start, dandelup, and I hope things go much better now. I had a lot of nausea too--hard to focus on anything else when that's happening, I know. There are several possible drugs, so if the second try doesn't work, keep asking for a change.
I know everyone is different, but in general my last 3 rounds (I just finished the 6th and final one) were gentler, and I hope it will be the same for you.
Appreciate your own amazing strength and courage each day (yay, you!) and rest up as needed. Make a list of all the enjoyable things you'll do once this is over--it will pass more quickly than you think.
Wishing you all the best as your treatment goes forward. Keeping you in my prayers.
Hopefully your treatments will get easier on you as time goes on. I spent most of my time in a recliner during the days after FCR and even slept there some nights. Hopefully there will be no more falls for you. Hang in there...