Hai sir my wife LDH level 525and severe anaemia hb6.2 only..20 days before 3 unit blood transfusion over but again hb down..ferrittin test 1100...how to control hb..this is cancer or not
LDH level 525 anaemia : Hai sir my wife LDH... - CLL Support
LDH level 525 anaemia

Hi abinjosephhranni,
I’m sorry to hear you are so concerned about your wife’s blood results and general health but it’s impossible and quite unwise for anyone here to speculate as to the reason. Yes her LDH levels are high but LDH is used as a general marker of injury to cells and it is not useful for determining which specific cells.
Your wife needs the very best medical opinion and advice she can obtain. I’m not sure what medical specialism she is under but it sounds like a haematologist. Clearly no definitive diagnosis has been given yet?
I’m not sure which country you originate from but I hope you can access excellent medical care for your wife. I hope it’s not cancer and send very best wishes.
I have the same anemia problem but take an iron tonic. It does help a little. Key is proper diet and avoiding unhealthy foods.
One year ago I was hospitalized for a month due to severe anemia. I have had CLL since 2012 and underwent FCR two years ago. The doctors were unsure whether the anemia was due to the cancer or not. After trying all the regular treatments for anemia (steroids, IVIG, RCD), which all failed, I was put on Ibrutinib which brought the situation under control.
Anemia is a family common complication of CLL and in a small number of cases the CLL is only diagnosed after developing the anemia.
As someone else mentioned this is a complicated situation and you really need the advice of qualified and experienced medical professionals.
Apart from LDH there are many other important tests which can give an indication of what's going on (for example DAT or Coombs, Billirubin).
Wishing you well,
Bornmarrow PNH..ALL blood reports..usg endoscopy everything normal..but again hb dropped...within 2 months 5 unit transfusion over...but again hb drop..now 6.6 only..she taking iron tablets also...hematologist consultation done..but not diagnose the problem...anybody can help me..iam living in Hyderabad....