Hi All, I am new here. I have noticed a gradual decrease in platelets since 2010 ( being 181) and most recent blood work December 2017 (being 127.)
WBC's 2010 were 7.2 and noticing a decrease there as well being 4.0 in December 2017.
I am wondering if others have had chronically low platelets and low WBC's for years following their diagnosis and if so can you please share some of your blood counts and symptoms that you experienced and also generally about how long it took for your CLL diagnosis from when you first noticed your decrease in blood count.
I have been to a oncologist in 2016 and when platelet count jumped up to 150 and WBC count up to just about the bottom end of normal but THE OVERALL TREND has a decrease in platelet with the most recent at 127 as mentioned above and WBC at 4.0 again mentioned above so I am somewhat concerned and curious how long it took to get your diagnosis and also wondering if people out there were wondering if they had CLL and noticed a similar trend in their blood work. I have not had a Bone marrow biopsy yet nor do I want one but will likely just monitor the counts.