When I knew I had to have treatment I worried, of course, about what would happen to my body internally and what the chemo was going to cause. So I followed all the advice regarding preventing infections for e.g. food preparation and hygiene. But being a women, rightly or wrongly, I worried about my hair! I do think it's your crowning glory and how it looks can have an impact on how you feel and I'm sorry if that sounds shallow. I've always dyed my hair at home every six weeks or so and I knew I wouldn't be able to use my normal brand because of the chemicals so I was apprehensive about trying natural dyes. Anyway I have used Naturtint from Holland & Barratt (UK) honey blonde and I'm over the moon with it and will not go back to my normal make. My hair is softer, feels cleaner and the colour is far nicer than usual. They also do chemical free shampoos, shower gels and moisturisers that are great. By the way, my hair has come out but as yet nobody has noticed but me. I haven't had it cut since March so it's long but it's thinned itself out. I thought I would post this just in case anybody is as vain as me about their hair! Best wishes to everyone either waiting or having treatment at this time.
Hair!: When I knew I had to have treatment I... - CLL Support

Agree with all you have said Sally. I was told I would lose my hair .. It went thinner abd my head was sore but it stayed. I used henna from lush to dye it and again it was a fabulous colour and in great condition. I recommend a little trim on the ends of your hair it'll give it a new lease of life!
Thanks Sal x
Thanks Bethan I am going to have a trim, my hair is dragging my face down to my feet, not a good look! I too have a sore head and I dream about having something soothing to bathe it in or use like a hair conditioner. Do you know of anything? xx
I agree, I rarely use a hairdryer now if I can get away with it and have never used straighteners. I have just used an E45 shampoo which is lovely but I thing all shampoos are basically the same just with brand names! x
Ah, I am glad you have found a solution to your hair colour and brilliant that it is even better than your old stuff! After 5 lots of FCR I have not noticed a great deal of hair loss and definitely (thankfully) no bald patches. I think my hair feels a bit more wiry though than it did. Like you I have not had it cut since about end of January while I am undergoing treatment. I do like chemical free products so will certainly look at those shampoos etc.! All the best. Holly.

Speaking of hair colouring... there is a correlation between black hair dyes, used before the 1980s and CLL.
Another CLL factoid... 🤔
How interesting as I was born with pitch black hair and starting greying at age of 19. Had my first tint at age 25 that would be 1991 and yes I used to use the pharmacy bought type. My mother on the hand did use black hair dies in the 80s and she has no CLL BUT I USED TO APPLY IT ON HER!
Not to worry about being vain - one of the things I cried about when finding out I had CLL and maybe needing treatment due to low platelets was my hair. I understand your hair will thin but will most likely grow in again.
A good excuse to start a great hat collection!
All the best,
Sandy Beaches
I finished treatment of Rituximab/ steroids (1,500) in February, then my hair started to thin, every morning I had to take all the hairs of my pillow or the next morning would have a mouth of hairs. When I spoke to my haemo consultant about it, he said my treatment had not caused it and referred me to Dermatologist. Meantime my hair has got stronger and I now have curls and waves. Tomorrow at long last is my Dermatologist appointment, have not cancelled this because I want to enquire about some skin changes I have noticed.
Best wishes to all.
I suggest you have your iron level checked. Low iron is one reason women lose their hair.
I have had some minor hair loss but all my onc says is that it is not a reported side effect! Ha!
My wife's iron panel was at the low end of normal so her hematologist/oncologist prescribed a 150 mg iron pill once daily. Seems to have stopped HER hair loss.
Hello! I too was worried about hair loss. Luckily CLL Tx do not cause hair loss but does make scalp sensitive.
Hello, i know and I use Aveena shampoo, it really does help with an itchy scalp.