This post might be a little long and so I apologize in advance.
I was diagnosed with ITP and lymphoma in the spring. At first the doctor said it was not CLL. He finally decided maybe it was SNHL. But since then has said it is just too early to tell for sure what kind of lymphoma it is. Is that normal?
I found out about my blood because of a doctor's visit regarding diarrhea which had been ongoing for months. The blood showed no celiacs, but did turn up the irregularities that sent me to the heamotologist . Originally my platelets were 82 and he put me on steroids. The platelets rose to190. My next visit was last Friday and I asked for a little more info. This is what I got:
Platelets 89
Lymphocytes .72
White 7.2
Red 4.57
Hemoglobin 136
Now this blood was taken while I was on antibiotics for a UTI that I had that had visible blood in the urine. This was the 3rd. UTI in 3 months. Should I have been concerned about the blood results? The doctor was not.
I thought it was interesting, too, that I had had a very stiff neck for weeks that went away with the antibiotics. The doctor saw no connection there either. Perhaps I really am being alarmist.
The diarrhea has not gone away andI now have dermatitis on my hands that I have never had before .
Just for some added info
I am on medication for my thyroid and a gynaecologist has put me on Premarin creme to try to help with the numerous UTIs . I am 66 years old and female. I am 5 foot 3 and right now weigh 113 pounds- down from 122 in the spring.
Do I need to find one doctor to oversee all the quirky things in my health right now? Or do I need to calm down and wait to see my heamotologist as he requested next April.