"Exercise has been shown to dramatically improve the lives of people living with cancer, yet it is being underutilised. This is despite the fact it costs next to nothing to administer and research shows it improves patient outcomes while driving down healthcare costs." While Rob Newton, Foundation Professor in Exercise and Sports Science and Favil Singh, Research Academic and Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia explain the benefits of exercise for solid cancer patients, the benefits for leukaemia patients would be expected to be similar. In particular "Supervised resistance training through lifting weights and aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging and cycling can help build fitness, improve physical function and increase physical reserve capacity. This means patients are in better shape to receive cancer treatments." :
See also Exercise is the best medicine after surgery or cancer treatment. Introducing a new field of study "Exercise Oncology Research" : healthunlocked.com/cllsuppo....