I have been going to specialist after specialist for months. I haven't gotten any answers. However most recently my labs came back slightly abnormal. My IgG was 571 mg/dL(LOW) ref rang - 700 mg/dL-1600 mg/dL, my IgM was 78mg/dL which is low but still in the ref range, my IgA is 93 mg/dL which is also low but still in the ref range. My Bun was 19 which is in ref range but on the high end. My Red Blood Cell Count was 4.30 million/mcL which the ref range is 4.20 million/mcL -5.40 million/mcL so it is a little low. WBC 7.3 thou/mcL, platlet count was 203 thou/mcL. Creatine 0.6mg/dL so that is the lowest it could be and still be within the ref range. Potassium is low, Albumin is within range at 4.7 but that range ends at 5.0. My lymphocyte Absolute is 1.8 thou/mcL ref range of 0.8 thou/mcL-5.0 thou/mcL, monocyte 0.4 thou/mcL which is within range. My basophil and Eosinophil absoulutes were both 0.0 which is within range. Alk Phosphates are 59units which is also within range, just heading towards the lower end. CK is 33 IU/L which is also in range just at the lower end. CRP <0.5mg/dL. Sodium level is 139 mMol/L which is getting low but also within range.
I know that low isn't always bad. However i have also been having consistent tachycardia for about 4 months now. I have been having severe lower back pain also joint pain and random swelling. Times where my bones feel like they are breaking. Also limbs randomly falling asleep and tingeling, numbness. I take good care of myself. I work full time too.
Is my IgG something i should be conserned about? or is there anything else that i have mentioned here that may shed light into this mystery illness i have been dealing with?
Also note, I have not been sick recently.