PaulaS - news for friends: It's Paula's husband... - CLL Support

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PaulaS - news for friends

PeterMasih profile image
84 Replies

It's Paula's husband here. I'd just like to give you an update on Paula.

- A week ago Idelalisib was withdrawn because of worsening rash.

- 2 days later she was admitted to hospital with fever (presumed to be chest infection)

- Once off Idelalisib, her spleen enlarged very quickly. Had increasing abdominal pain.

- Yesterday haemoglobin dropped and scan revealed internal bleeding

- She had urgent surgery and her ruptured spleen was successfully removed

- Today she's sitting up, talking and taking an interest in things. But she's still dehydrated, on drip, morphine and oxygen. She's got a long way to go yet. Her CLL treatment is still suspended.

She really appreciates all the support and friendship you folk have given her. I'd also like to say how grateful I am to you for being there for her.

Please to think of her ... and of the rest of the family. If you're happy to pray, we'd appreciate that, too.

Do feel free to make a comment on this thread, or send her a personal message. She's got a smart phone in hospital with her, and I'm sure she'll pick stuff up. Just don't expect any response. (So no questions to her please).

Thanks again for all your support


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PeterMasih profile image
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84 Replies
norahmaria profile image

Hi paula, so sorry you are going through the mill. I dont do prayers but i am sending you positive vibes for a speedy recovery. Stay strong.

Jackie xxxxx

Newdawn profile image

Oh Peter, I'm so shocked to hear this but relieved to hear the emergency surgery has been successful and Paula is now on the mend. I was thinking how strange it was that we hadn't heard from her on the site for a little while and hoped it was because you were busy or enjoying a few days away. It sounds like she's had a dreadful time and a deeply worrying one for you and the family.

I appreciate how serious a ruptured spleen is and am sending huge best wishes and love to Paula and to you and the family. It must be worrying that they've had to suspend the treatment but at the moment the priority must be getting her safe and well again.

Sending hugs and best wishes if you're reading this Paula. It will give us all quite a shock! Get yourself well again because we need you on here and I personally value your friendship and support.

Massive best wishes,

Newdawn xx

Jaan17 profile image

Paula Our good wishes & prayers are with you for a complete and speedy recovery to good health.

Best wishes

Jaan 17

prosecco1 profile image

Hi Paula,

Sorry to hear you have not been doing so well but glad to hear you're on the mend.

Take Care of yourself

Elle 🌹🌸🌷🌻xx

Firefly14 profile image

Hi Paula and Paula's husband,

Thanks so much for the update. Sending you both lots of love and hugs, Paula you've been there for all of us and we are here for you! Big hugs

Firefly x

Kwenda profile image

Paula, what a terrible time you have been through..

Best wishes for better health and look forwards to hearing from you on these pages again soon.

Thank you Peter for this update.


jendur profile image

Hi Paula. I'ma newbe to the site but you have already helped me loads with your calm and considered advice. I'm so sorry that you are going through it at the moment and send my best wishes for a speedy recovery…. Jennie x

MaudMarie profile image

Dear Paula and Peter

I'm so very sorry to hear that Paula has had such severe complications while on Idelalisib treatment and that this is now suspended. It is a very salutory story and I hope that with careful treatment she will recover quickly.

Thank you for updating us. Paula is greatly loved on this forum, and elsewhere I am sure, and we send our very best wishes to you all as a family.


alice111 profile image

Good luck Paula , thinking of you and sending love and best wishes xx

Fran57 profile image

Hi Paula and Peter.

So sorry to hear your news, but glad things are improving.

Sending you my good wishes and you are in my prayers.

Fran ☺️

Elizabetha profile image

Dear Paula n hubby. Hope things improve quickly. Best wishes for a speedy recovery xxx

wroxham-gb profile image

Dear Paula & Peter

We really have appreciated all the love and support that you Paula, have lavished on us. Wow! You poor thing . I do so hope that you start to feel better soon.

Thank you Peter for updating us all.


rlyndecker profile image

Thinking of you and praying for a speedy recovery!

Cllcanada profile image
CllcanadaTop Poster CURE Hero

Hi Paula and Peter... I was getting very concerned and just sat down to write you both an email, my goodness your post is a shock.

I have you and your family in my thoughts and await for the little red squirrel to get her bushy tail back!


NooNoo14 profile image

Hi Paula

So sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time.

Hurry up and come back to us soon - we need your common sense and compassion.

Sending you and your family lots of love and hugs


Foggymind profile image

So sorry to hear you are ill in hospital Paula, sending my best wishes to you and your family and hope you will be well and back home with them very soon.


Fowey2009 profile image

Sorry to hear this Paula and Pete. We hope Paula will soon be feeling much better. Beryl

Justasheet1 profile image


Get well soon. We miss you.


ballyhoo profile image

Paula, I'm hoping and praying that you start getting better soon and can make a full recovery. Bless you

Gigi3410 profile image

Paula, prayers coming your way for a swift recovery.

AussieNeil profile image

HI Peter and Paula,

Thanks for letting us know Paula's situation Peter. Paula is a very well respected and hugely appreciated member of our community - evidenced by 20 replies just 5 hours after you posted this concerning news. I expect many more members will join in with well wishes for Paula when the daily notification goes out!

Paula, I know you'll have been reluctant to post about your recent health challenges on the Idelalisib trial, but we do care for you and wish you a speedy recovery. You've done so much for other members over the years - providing so many of us with much needed support when we've had our own mostly much smaller challenges in our life with CLL. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family now.


nvp815 profile image

Dear Paula and Peter,

So sorry to hear you have been through such a terrible ordeal. Happy to hear prompt treatment was received and things are starting to look up. Sending prayers and good wishes to all of you.


BCTexas profile image

Hi Paula,

I'm new on here but I wanted to wish you all the best and a speedy recovery. I will say a prayer for you and family.

We are all here for you. :)


saintjohn profile image

Hi Peter

Thank you for the update,Please pass on my regards to Paula,we will miss her much valued input to our cyber family forum but obviously her recovery is the most important thing at this time.

Best Wishes


Austin55 profile image


Our thoughts and prayers are with Paula, you and your family.

When one of us has misfortune all of us feel it as we are like a great big family here.

Take care


Jerseywish2011 profile image

Wishing you a speeding recovery Paula! I'm newer to the site but am so glad to have found it. Saying prayers for you and your family.

Peggy4 profile image

At the moment time taken with family problems prevent me from contributing to this site but I just have to respond to this. Paula is one of the people who helped me so much during those first few dark weeks of diagnosis. Even though she has many problems of her own she still manages to find the time to help and support others. Her input to this site is invaluable. i have been wondering how she is getting on, thank you so much for letting us know. Sending love and hope for a speedy recovery. Peggy.

Smac29 profile image

Hi Paula & Peter,

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.. Wishing you a speedy recovery. 💗💐💐💗


wwheather profile image

Hi Paula

I am new to CLL but not to prayer. Praying for you


Oleboyredw-uk profile image

Hi Paula, sorry to read of your problems. Here's wishing you well, Think of the summer sun and remember Monsal Trail still awaits us.


Bubnojay profile image

Dear Paula

I so hope that all our messages bring you comfort as you recover from this horrible setback. You are such a valued member of our community, so many have reason to thank you for helping them through dark times, hope our messages help you through this, your dark time.

We look forward to having our red squirrel and her common sense and compassion back,

Huge gentle hugs


wiganfan profile image

Hello Paula and Peter, I was very sorry to hear of the problems you have encountered, but pleased that prompt action seems to have put you on the road to recovery.

I am fairly new to the site but have noted how much support you give to others, now is payback time.

All the best for the future.


Ernest2 profile image

Dear Paula and Peter,

Just logged on this morning and shocked to read your news.

Now is the time to do everything to look after yourself with the help of Peter and the rest of the family, after so much time helping all of us on HU.

Get plenty of rest, don't worry about posting, and think of squirrels on the Monsal trail.

With all good wishes,


PE1234 profile image

Hello Paula

Oh my I am so sorry to hear you have been so poorly but pleased to hear that things are beginning to look up for you now .

I am thinking of you and will pray for your speedy recovery .

Stay strong Paula


bantamsheffield profile image

Why oh why can't this condition and its treatments be consistent for us all!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and good luck going forward.

Marisa profile image

pRaying for you and your family and especially Paula this Sunday morning.

lilica955 profile image

Massive Best wishies for you and Paula.I hope that she will be soon recovered.

Thank you Peter for this updates!

All the Best,


terryI_uk profile image

Dear Paula and Pete

So sorry to hear about your setback, I hope all will be better soon and you can continue with treatment, best wishes,


Psmithuk profile image

All love and good wishes for a speedy recovery, Paula. And thank you to Peter for letting us know. It's good to know she has you beside her to support.

Chris in Wales

Ruhi9 profile image

So sorry to hear things have taken this unexpected turn, but hoping you will overcome this latest hurdle and soon be back home with your loved ones. Prayers and thoughts with you and your family now and in the coming days and weeks xx

Haileybury profile image

Paula and Peter

I am very shocked to read about your awful problems. I will think and pray for you in church this morning. It just makes me realise how fortunate I am - sailing along on Ibrutinib with very minor problems. Hope you recover very soon and I wish you lots of luck and much better health before too long.


Calopteryx profile image


Paula - so sorry to hear about your situation, but very glad that you have had the necessary surgery and are in good hands. We'll miss your reassuring and calm voice here but please concentrate on getting better. Sending you positive vibes and a big (but very gentle) hug.

Peter - thanks for updating us, and welcome to the cyber family.


I'm adding my positive thoughts and very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Once again thanks for all the very helpful advice you have provided. Nil carborundum! Maggie

Jenferdog profile image

Best wishes to you both and hoping for a speedy recovery. x

Phillysteve profile image

Hoping you will feel better soon, prayers coming your way!

lartington profile image

oh dear me, what a terrible experience. Paula, you are such a caring giving lady, the response to Peter's email shows how highly you are regarded by the community. So often we see 'the little red squirrel' with a caring message, support and love.

I hope you are at the Bexley wing, where I know they will give you a lot of care. get well soon. love hazel and peter

9876 profile image

So sorry to hear the news, have been wondering how you were keeping , had noticed you hadn't posted in a while and was missing your reassuring posts to our online family,sending positive vibes and gentle cyber hugs for a speedy recovery,🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻you are in my prayers👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

jibs60 profile image

Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery Paula xx

romarin profile image

Holding you in the light Paula.

SBMACLL profile image

Dear Paula, Wishing you a speedy recovery. Our positive thoughts are with you. Steve

ferne profile image


I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this difficult bump. Sending you warmest good wishes, hugs and positive thoughts for a speedy turn around.

HAIRBEAR_UK profile image
HAIRBEAR_UKFounder Admin

Dear Paula and Peter

Having been offline for a day and thinking of why Paula has not been around for a while I was shocked to learn your news. I don't often pray, but have today for you all, wishing Paula you soon feel better and recover soon to overcome this bump on the road. Nickxx

june65 profile image

Sorry to hear about your set-back Paula, hope you make a full and swift recovery. June X

efun profile image

Will keep Paula and her family in my prayers!

E. Fun

jangreen profile image

Hi I am so sorry that this has happened. Best wishes and good luck

cacherjac profile image

Hi, I'm sorry to hear this news but glad to hear you have been treated so quickly and successfully, sending love and best wishes for a quick recovery xx

meemsdream profile image

Paula and Peter, saying prayers for both of you. I will be thinking of you both and am so glad you are there for Paula. You have both been through so much. There ar are a lot of people here routing for you Paula. One step at a time.

Maria xo

alexmcg48 profile image

sorry to hear this, I hope she recovers very soon.

JanetG profile image

Paula and family,

So sorry to hear that things aren't great at the moment, but on the positive that you are in good hands and are getting the best treatment for a speedy recovery, you are one of the many people on here Paula who has always got a kind word for us who are having a bad time so its lovely to see so many wishing you well...

You will beat this and will soon be back on treatment and into remission, I'm sending lots of positive vibes, loves , hugs to you lovely lady, and I look forward to hearing how well your doing soon...

Keep trucking Paula !!

Take care Jan X

Getlucky profile image

Dear Paula and Peter,

My goodness me, what a difficult time for both of you and your family. We have all been very shocked to hear of the rapid turn of events and are just glad to hear you are recovering from the operation and are in good hands. Thank you Peter for keeping us informed. Paula has been such a tower of strength and support on this site - I hope she knows how much it is appreciated.

I am sending lots of love and good wishes your way, plus good positive vibes! I'll send an amateur prayer too.


pumpkin48 profile image

Hello Paula,I am a bit new here,but from all these posts I can tell you are a very special person.I am praying for you and your family. Pumpkin

London_Girl profile image

I hope you get well soon. You were so kind to me when I first blogged. You sent me some really useful links.

All the very best to you and your family.

Let us know how it is going once you are up and about

Maria xxx

KateEvaLen profile image

Hi Paula. I'm so, so sorry you are having such a tough time right now. I'm thinking of you and sending every good wish to you tonight. Please god you recover from the operation quickly and are strong enough to resume treatment. In the meantime, hang in there.

Ge77y profile image

Hugs and best wishes Paula for you and your family. Stay strong indeed

marcyh profile image

Happy to pray,


Wetumpka profile image

Paula, I rarely post as I don't have to much ever to post about yet. However, Ido enjoy all of the posts and responses of all of the members, and you are one of the best. I am so sorry that these bad things are happening after all the time you took deciding on treatment. I am praying for your rapid recovery, and you can get with a better treatment. Many thanks to your husband for keeping us up to date. Prayers for your speedy recovery. We are missing your wonderful post and info sharing.

SouthFloridaLady profile image

So happy that you are on the mend. ♥♥♥

Rex12 profile image

Thanks for your post Peter, my thoughts are with you both. Lorraine

DebLea profile image

Hi Paula

You are such a special lady, always ready to help others (myself included), and you are so caring and supportive of everyone. I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time, and have had these complications due to treatment. Please know that we are all here for you, and hope that your recovery runs smoothly and swiftly. I hope that you are up and about again soon, and that we'll see that cute little squirrel of yours appear on our screens as soon as you are feeling well enough to say hi again.

Sending you much love, hugs and best wishes

DebLea 💐😘

Carpenters52 profile image

To Dear Paula,

Wishing you all the very best!

Hoping you wont be in Hospital for to long!

Keep smiling lovely Lady!

Kelly x

Dasher14 profile image

Dear Paula,

I am new to this forum and a newbie to CLL. I'm grateful to all of you who

keep this post going as it is one of the first things I read in the morning while

I drink my coffee and feed my dogs, and cat.

Paula, if you were close by I'd be bringing you a bouquet of the last of

our sunflowers and I'd cook a big southern meal for your family. (and you)

(food is love here in the South in the USA!!!)

May you be surrounded by love, light and some laughter. It sounds

like you have a wonderful family and I send you ALL thoughts of

strength and compassion.

A million hugs,


fieldmeadow profile image

Dear Paula, Peter and family,

Whatever your future holds I know that God will continue to carry each one of you as He has done thus far. There is a wonderful Christian "Footprints" poem that you can google. I hope it helps. Every blessing to you all.

Hi Paula sorry to hear this hope you are on the mend soon.

I will have a word with the big fella.


Bribin profile image

On behalf of the 'lurkers'. I wish Paula a speedy recovery

buckinhard profile image

Dear Paula and Peter,

I can't imagine your spleen rupturing, how awful to go thru that and surgery ! Our Holy Father has you both in his hands and he does small miracles every minute of every day, sometimes so many go unknown by us. I have been praying for you and others as many other members do also and will continue praying. Life can be so hard and you are a special little red squirrel with strength and faith. Soon you'll be booking a flight to have fun with my horses!

Prayers, love, hugs, plus Whisper sends her warm nickers and tickly whiskers for you and Peter too.


jules_c profile image

My thoughts and prayers are with you for a quick recovery!


sumok profile image

sending many many good wishes your way! hope you remain comfortable and i know we'll hear you are back on track when ready.

flutterbye profile image

I have not been on the threads for awhile. Like others, shocked but relieved when I read this. Speedy recovery Paula! BW to you and your family. Jacqueline xx

zentangle profile image

Hi Peter,

Shocked to read your post. Please give Paula my best wishes for a speedy recovery and return to her home and these pages.

Good wishes to you, for whom it must be very difficult.



Please keep us posted at regular intervals, if you can.

PeterMasih profile image

Thanks to everybody for all your concern and encouragement. Click here for the latest

MsDJ profile image

Hi Paula I am very new to this forum but the sincerity is real. I hope you the best quickest most peaceful non painful recovery. Hoping you come back to the forum soon to share your experiences that have already helped me and encouraged me as I am newly diagnosed with CLL.

Bless you and sending love and light your way.


alice111 profile image

Hi Paula, Thinking of you and sending love and very best

ap64 profile image

Paula so sorry things have been on a downward swing. Thinking of you and will be saying a few prayers for you and the family as you recover. Look forward to hearing feom you when your strength returns.

PaulaS profile image

Thanks for your prayers, ap64 . However, the post above was from 2 years ago, when I was recovering from surgery for a ruptured spleen. I've had 2 good years since then (till I got increasingly anaemic last summer and needed more treatment).

Your prayers are still very welcome though, as I'm on rather a downward swing again right now.

I've been on Ibrtuinib for 6 months and thought I'd seen the back of the side effects I'd had in the early weeks. However, in the last couple of months I've had a gradually growing rash on my face and arms, then various joint pains started hitting me again. It seemed to start with a pulled muscle in my leg. But as that leg gradually healed, other pains sprung up in other places.

I'm now hobbling round on Peter's crutches (he broke his leg last autumn). My left hand is red, painful and inflamed. I'm taking regular Co-Codamol for the pain - without it I don't think I'd be able to walk or type at all.. I'm also quite nauseated and lost my appetite.

Bit depressing, just as Peter is starting to recover (and doesn't need the crutches any more). At least my rash is much less now, thanks to a steroid cream I was prescribed.

best wishes,


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