Cancer council Victoria is hoping to try to improve understanding of the less common cancers. CLL being one. I got a request to become a volunteer not sure how now ! But i did fill in the questionaire online. Which asked a lot about familial cancers. Of course it's hard to know if all or any of our grandparents had cancer. But whatever you know can help. They also require a sample of dna via a saliva sample. I've just received the kit.
This info is for Australian cllers to volunteer. They require 15,000 Australians to participate. Woild there be that many cllers in oz? I suppose so.
I'm spreading the word about this vital research to prevent these cancers and support people who get them in the future.
Maybe cancer council of Victoria could use this site to request volunteers?
Can I suggest it to them? This is the link 1800068289
Cheers everyone
Sheila in Fremantle