He firstly gave an example of what's happening. He said its as though Conor is standing on a cliff edge. He said western medicine are not interested in Conor till he slips over but he said he wanted to help me pull him away from the edge. Although a bit dramatic this is exactly how I feel.
As promise can update from what happened at the visit to the naturopath for Conor.
He gave him a really thorough examination. Looked at nails under magnifier and checked spine ect. He said there is a problem near Conor's shoulders , apparently there are blood vessels that feed the liver there.
Some of the advice he gave us was fairly obvious like. Only give healthy organic food. So the liver has less chemicals to deal with.
He said do something to sweat every day so impurities come out that way.
He said rub skin with cold flannel every morning to stimulate skin. ( Conor thretened to ring childline at this point ).
He said don't drink fruit juice with acid or fizzy drinks.
He also said don't drink till half an hour after you have eaten. Not good to dilute the acid which dilutes food.
He put Conor on liquid vitamin d at least 2500 international units and sun lamps and massage.
He said Conor is running on 30% and if I follow his advice I can get him to about 80%. He can't cure him of course.
Below I am attaching a pic of Conor how he looked on bonfire night in nov so we can take another later on to see if there's an improvement in his colour.