Hello Everyone
My daughter is 17 year’s old and as a baby she was diagnosed with Biliary atresia and had the Kasai producer at Birmingham Children’s Hosptial. After the surgery her liver funcation test were still high and therefore, she had a liver transplant at 2 years old.
At the moment my daughter is keeping well and she isn’t displaying any of the obsive signs and symptoms. Since last year February 2018 she has had numerous of blood which indicates her ALT, AST, ALP and GGT are high. Over the year she has had a ultrasound scan which suggested that her main artery is missing in the liver. The liver biopsy showed some vascular changes which was normal.
The liver doctors have decided to carry out further investigations. My daughter will be having an endoscopy and another liver biospy.
If there is anyone in the community that can advice me please send me a reply.
Thank you