Low fat, high carbs; high fat, low carbs, paleo, Mediterranean...the dietary guidelines are numerous and confusing. Some people swear by one or another and the medical community is stuck on low fat diets. The truth is different for each of us because of our genetic make up.
Diet recommendations from the medical community and the media are generalizations. If you want to know the best diet for yourself, you must get a gene test for the Apo E Genotype.
Here's a link to a research piece - you don't have to read the whole thing, just go to pages 4 and 5 which contain a chart that shows the optimal diet for each genotype:
Once people realize that determining their Apo E genotype is critical to diet implementation we can stop getting these broad generalizations on how and what you should eat.
What is interesting in the chart is that for those with the Apo E3/E3 genotype, lifestyle modification is sufficient for cholesterol control and statins are NOT required. However, for some other genotypes, statins ARE required, and yet for others, only CERTAIN statins work.
Do a Google search and find out where you can get a test to determine your Genotype so you no longer have to speculate whether or not you need to be on statins and what your optimal diet should be.