Statins side effects: - Cholesterol Support
Statins side effects

10,000,000 users of statins, with 20,000 reports of side effects in 20 years is not a huge dossier of reports. It's one in a thousand reports of side effects in total or 5 in 100,000 reports per year. So, the question is, as with any drug, do the benefits outweigh the risks? I think my maths is correct! Personally, I have never had any side effects in over 10 years.
Hardly earth shattering news! So many people getting the benefits with, unfortunately, a small minority having side effects (though, after recent posts on this forum, statins seemed to be blamed for every ache, pain, change in body functions) that I wonder when a balance of news items will be made. Like vincend, I too have taken statins for over ten years and the only difference I have noticed is a lowering in my LDL cholesterol levels.
I agree I think the benefits far out weigh the risk of a stroke and or heart attack. I will still take them but must say am keeping an eye on the medical reports.
Well......all i can say is i tried six statins before my GP agreed they were aggravating some of my other medical conditions. Memory loss and muscle problems were my side effects and i am not a paranoid when it comes to personal medical conditions. He agreed i was statin intolerant and medication was changed. This medication and strict diet and lifestyle is keeping my FH inflated chol levels down to date. Hope this helps those who are genuinely suffering side effects from statin medication.