I have been off Statins for 5 days with agreement from my Doctor after experiencing many of the typical side effects. During the 5 days without Statins I have been getting bad headaches and feeling sick and generally unwell. Could it be that there are withdrawal symptoms when coming off Statins?
Side effects from coming off Statins - Cholesterol Support
Side effects from coming off Statins

The opposite happened to me when I came off statins. Before, I was getting night cramps 3/4 times a week, couldn't walk 10 yards without getting out of breath, had constant backache, couldn't lift anything or do any housework. Within a week of stopping the statins I was running round the garden, doing all the household chores I couldn't do before, racing round the supermarket and feeling better than I have felt in years!
Thanks for your comment. A few more days under my belt and I am starting to feel much better. The headaches have stopped and I feel much more alert. I used to feel like I was functioning through a mental fog. I bought some Q10 today and will give them a try now that I am Statin free, yeah!!
I experienced vicious statin side effects when I ran out of British Simvastatin and bought a Portuguese version over the counter. Pains were so bad that I came back to consult my GP who prescribed an alternative. I assumed that it was not a statin but after only 7 pills, I was again completely crippled. When I read the full column on side-effects in the packet for Avorstatin, I realised that I had about two thirds of the symptoms, including inexplicable diarrhoea and crippling muscular pains in my legs and shoulders. I stopped and again consulted the GP. He prescribed another drug, which I did not take at all.
By this stage I was so desperate that I visited a hospital consultant. She told me that either of the prescriptions was extremely dangerous for me and had lead to muscle damage. By now I was too weak to get out of bed or the bath unaided.
I am slowly recovering but stiffness and pains have persisted for 3 weeks. Evidently statin manufacturing tolerances allow 20% variation, which is why I survived the original Simvastatin but not the others. I now realise that even this was producing pain in the buttocks and inexplicable diarrhoea. My advice is if you get pains, stop statins at once and consult a hospital consultant.
Me too. Felt better within 3 days of stopping after 9 years severe cramps, mental foggy retardation, wheezing and breathlessness . Was changed from Atorvastain to Ezetimide but no change. Decided to ditch them a couple of weeks ago and feel a new man.
Headaches were never a problem but I had to drive myself to do things but not now.
Wow, sounds like many people have much more severe problems / reactions than I have had, but the information you folks are providing is invaluable. I am now over 3 weeks into being statin free and continue to feel much better than I was when taking them. I feel mentally much more alert and my short term memory is much better. When I came off the statins my doctor prescribed a daily Asprin which I am talking as well as still taking 5mg of Ramipril and now the Q10. I know many years ago when I was first put on Ramipril and Simvastatin I was also put on Asprin. About 5 years ago I was told to stop the Asprin since it was no longer recommended. I wondered why my GP felt it was a good idea to use it now that I am not taking the statin - any ideas? Also, I am not sure about the Q10. It seems to be recommended when you are on statins but should I be taking it now that I am not on them?
Funny you should say that but I stopped taking mine also but I now have no energy sleeping every afternoon headaches just feeling generally unwell is this to be expected after stopping the medication
I stopped taking Atorvastatin about 3 weeks ago and my peripheral neuropathy seems to be a bit worse! I'm wondering if the side effects suffered get a bit worse before they actually get better. My G.P. told me it would be a good couple of months before I felt better as the statins had been building up in my system over a long time. So, do I feel worse before I feel better, that's what I need to know.