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Free for All on Friday

40 Replies

Hi and welcome to another Free for All on Friday, when you are especially welcome to post your off-topic subjects, as always with the caveat that they remain within our community guidelines.

Brent W has beaten me to my post with another one of his lovely paintings. It's a pleasure to have such an accomplished artist among our number and I for one really look forward to seeing each new work. You have a real talent Brent!

I don't have much of note to report this week except for the mundane. Maybe that's a good thing!

The week's been a bit of a muddle to be truthful as my husband had some extra training at work and had to 'chop up' his shifts and has been coming and going at all hours, disturbing my normal sleep pattern, but today sees him back to normal and I'm looking forward to just getting back into routine.

However last Friday was my husband's birthday and we ended up having a pub meal at a New Forest pub called the Snakecatcher in Brockenhurst. I don't know if any of you know it. We've been there a few times and it has an unusual history, being named for a local man called Brusher Mills who was a labourer in the area and lived from 1840 – 1905. He became well known as the local snake catcher, catching thousands of them in his lifetime, and it was his habit to use this pub, then called The Railway Inn, as it is situated alongside the busy train line which still exists there.

He took a few snifters there often, and his drink of choice was rum. Alas, in 1905 moments after drinking his last tot of rum he collapsed there and died.

What a wonderful way to go. Doing something he really enjoyed, among friends and now is even memorialised in the name of his favourite drinking haunt. Well done Brusher!

Anyway, the food was good and it was a lovely day so we were able to sit outside in the pub garden which felt safe.

How did everyone else do over the past week? I hope it was a good one and that there's a good weekend and new week to follow.

Take care!

40 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I’m pleased your husband had a good birthday and you enjoyed your meal at tge Snakecatcher in Brockenhurst. What a wonderful tale about Brusher Mills.

I too enjoy seeing Brent’s artwork and particularly liked today’s painting.

We’ve been busy sorting out our dining room as we are getting some new furniture at some point. Our old furniture is going to the British Heart Foundation shop and being collected on Monday.

I’ve had my chiropodist appointment which went well and I’ll be having both big toenails removed as they’re ingrown. The first surgery is booked for 7th September. It will be good to be pain free again.

We’ve seen our grandchildren but haven’t been out very much other than to our local garden centre for a coffee. Nice to see many places adhering to pre freedom day rules.

Take care everyone, stay safe and have a good weekend. Xxxx😷🧡💛❤️👍🌈

in reply tosassy59

Sounds like a great productive week sassy59 and getting new furniture's always exciting! A great way to dispose of the old furniture too and I must admit I do love a poke around the BHF furniture shops. I've been really impressed with the way in which lots of people are being sensible with the new 'freedom' rules. Most people hereabouts still seem to wear them in shops and businesses seem happy to continue with most of the old rules too. I'm beginning to feel that maybe it won't be as bad as we feared.

I'm really squeamish about toenail removal, always was, even when nursing, so I don't envy you but I know it will be a job well done to make you pain-free again. The pain of feet always seems to show in our faces!

Have a great weekend, even though the weather's not forecast to be very encouraging! xx👍💖😊

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

I think it’s meant to rain unfortunately. I’ve had one toenail removed before so know what to expect. It’s not pleasant but doesn’t take long. Both toes have been horribly painful for so long now so I’ll feel better when they’re done. Xx😍😘❤️👍

Hi Sue glad you enjoyed husband's birthday so he is a cancer birth sine, me n pixie got settled downstairs first time in about 2 years well I gave my other one to charity shop when moved out pixie hadn't slept with me for 2 nights since it came so last night I put TV downstairs and sat with him he heard me move and came to bed other wise pixie diary would be night one when sofa arrived see photo night 2 same etc enjoy your weekend were taking mam's great granddaughter out tomorror, I went swimming yesterday and pool was empty just me my nephews wife and 2 kids it was so therapeutic I'm struggling in my house still not just ceiling to take some out me no work man it's leaking and damp can't get builder until 2nd week August but been delayed 4 months he's late with delays and I don't feel right here still sorry for moan I'm not going on H E anymore too much like PWB when went off track 🤦😻

in reply to

That sounds like a good weekend ahead Mandy and I'm glad to see that Pixie's made himself comfortable on the new sofa. He looks like the very picture of contentment!

in reply to

He's a handsome gent is Prince Pixie and is the Bengal equivalent of Baby who is fine and has calmed down with the meows over the heat!

For a laugh I had said to my mother that the lido had a splash pool for spoilt cats to go in and she was not amused!

in reply to

Lol pixie luvs water but he has no cat friend he once jumped in my bath I got him out quick 😺🙀

in reply to

I've just done flower arrangement of false flowers have good weekend 🤗😻the glass dish was from.a 5op box it took my fancy turned out to from.a glass desighn place worth 4opound the sideboard I'm renovating was 3o the other things were from the market flower man I missed a Chrystal cut glass vase very heavy good for pixie jumping on window sill I also got these lol to follow

in reply to

A cat from a special sculpture just took my fancy and a pentagram star

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Pwb was great when it first started and then it went to the dogs as it got really silly and nasty and I left there just before it shut down and it was the right decision to leave.

Most people there were nice but as usual it's always the way how a couple of people spoil things for everyone else!

in reply to

Yes I left too before final closure as I have now before eating site gets worst 🤗

in reply to

That one used to be good as well with Jerry and Zest on there who are nice but as usual it's a few people who spoil things for everyone else!

Lynd profile image

Had my two ingrown toenails done years ago. My one toe nail now grows on the slant. Podiatrist said the person that did it must have been left handed????It's well worth getting them done.

Off to cornwall next week finishing our holiday with a few days at Blockley in the cotswalds. Father Brown uses it as film location so it will be fun to take a look round.

Lts of driving for me but determined to make the best of the summer.

in reply toLynd

Have a wonderful time in Cornwall Lynd. It must be daunting having to do all that driving, but in a really worthwhile cause. I'm sure the Cotswolds will be lovely too. I do sometimes watch Father Brown so know it must be lovely around Blockley. Have a safe journey and a lovely time.

in reply to

I went to the cotswolds years ago and on the Saturday it was a day in Stratford and rain had been forecast for the Saturday so I had taken my raingear just in case and got laughed at but I got the last laugh though when the sky went black and rain tipped down and there was thunder and lightning though!

On the Sunday we had gone to the Cotswolds villages like Moreton in the Marsh which I enjoyed and bourton on the water.

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to

Bourton on the water is such fun. The world and his wife paddles in the river?Hopefully will fit in a vist.

Hellebelle profile image

Hi Callendersgal,

What an interesting story and what a way to go! As you say, doing something he enjoyed and amongst friends.

This week has been far more comfortable temperature wise. We have been busy decorating so at least we didnt have to labour through the heat. We now have to tackle the garden which needs chopping back as it has got a bit overgrown.

We are off for a much needed meal tonight at our favourite Indian restaurant. I think we both deserve a treat.

I hope that everyone has a good weekend.💕xx

in reply toHellebelle

I agree that life's been so much more comfortable this week Hellebelle with a reduction in heat. There always seems to be some chore or another vying for our attention and it is much easier to get on when the weather's temperate. I'm just looking out on the most beautiful rainbow here. What a treat!Talking of treats I hope you enjoy your meal out tonight. It really is good to get back to doing some of the things we enjoyed in the past. You do deserve a treat! Take care and enjoy your weekend. xx 🌈👍😊🔆⛅️

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toHellebelle

Enjoy your meal Hellebelle. Xx

Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelle in reply tosassy59

Thank you. We have just returned and it was delicious. They are so friendly in there as well which makes it all the more enjoyable. I hope you have a great weekend.

in reply toHellebelle

Lovely Hellebelle👍😀

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toHellebelle

That’s good to hear. 💖

in reply toHellebelle

We decided to treat ourselves to a Chinese takeaway tonight!

Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelle in reply to

I hope you enjoy it. I think we all deserve a treat!

Today we have been out to pontypridd and we had a walk round the town itself which has a great market there with everything you need and what it was was I had been wanting to visit the national lido of Wales there for ages and had got the 3pm slot so we decided to turn it into a day out and had a walk round the shops and the town and then to ynysangharad park and had lunch there which was for me tuna and rice which I enjoyed and then queued outside the lido for our 3pm swim there until they let us all in!

I hadn't been swimming since just before everything shut back in March 2020 but I soon got my confidence back swimming and it was like I had never been away!

I had an interview yesterday and she said she will let everyone know next week but I went away feeling I had done my best which is all that matters really.

We are hoping to visit the lido again very soon.

Tomorrow it's a pub lunch out.

Next week I have some interviews coming up on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Jennymary profile image
Jennymary in reply to

Good luck with your interviews x

in reply to

Sounds like a lovely day out Catgirl1976 😊👍

Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelle in reply to

Good luck with your interviews. I hope you get the job you want.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Wishing you well with the interviews Catgirl. Glad you enjoyed your day out. Have a lovely weekend. Xxx

Jennymary profile image

I've had a, decent week, I've registered for the 10k race and notified the Alzeimers Society, set up my just giving page, told my Thursday reading group, they're all behind me, had my first donation.

Phone call from GP wasn't great, he couldn't say anymore than the consultant had said which wasn't much, GP has put me on calcium. & vitamin D tabs, more than consultant did, I'm going to do another e consult as I've got a couple more questions for him. Last night I emailed the hospital to get my T scores, had them come through this morning, secretary also sending a copy in the post as I requested

in reply toJennymary

So glad you had a good week Jennymary. Cheering to hear that your reading group is in solidarity with you for the 10k race.

It sounds as if you are comfortable with e-consultations. I like them too as it seems an easy route to get answers without even having to leave home. I hope things continue well next week and that you enjoy the weekend.

Hellebelle profile image
Hellebelle in reply toJennymary

Well done for registering for the 10K race. A really good cause. It's great to have something to aim for.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toJennymary

Glad your reading group are behind you Jennymary. Stick with the e-consultations for now if they work for you. I quite like them too.

Have a good weekend. Xxxx

goldieoldie profile image

hello,just saw your news,very grim indeed ,and its a bloomin disgrace to be closing down places of recreation and enjoyment--we in Scotland need to reclaim the nights-I dont drive, having said that my anxiety levels soar at the thought of this so called summer ending , the 3months just fly by and nothing to show -one trip to portobello beach ,was good ,though too hot to shop--beach packed--toilets -0pen---I'm saddened by the fact that our polititicans have done very little in terms of easing peoples minds. I'd like to see the UK and especially Scotland get back to a more welfare state, create more opportunities for people to learn more skills .and therefore improve job availability. We cannot allow the Pandemic to destroy all human relations ; we need places to enjoy and be more functional sociable human beings. I'm sorry to just ramble but I need to speak out as Im going to end up as a virtual zombie,..........and above all things replace trust life may seem as though its over in every way, but I can still feel ,think ,walk, talk- Im sorry to ramble I'm sure there are dozens of people who do wish for a better existence ....and of course our climate is like us hanging in the balance, we each need purpose in our lives to beat depression/anxiety,and other mental health issues and we also need facilities to open ,not close to maintain our health full stop. Thankyou Callendarsgirl for the chance for me to air my feelings ,sorry if it seems OTT😇

in reply togoldieoldie

Hi goldieoldie, thanks for your concern and for your points on how the pandemic has brought so many detrimental changes to our lives. It’s concerning that nothing seems to have changed after all, when at the beginning we were all pulling together more.

The summer has seemed so short, partially through mixed weather and also from having been so restricted during the early part of it. I fear that winter will feel very long and we are starting it feeling quite battle weary.

I think I’ll be OK if we manage to stay ‘open for business’ during the dreariest months so fingers crossed that the vaccination program has done all that it promises. Take care goldieoldie!

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

Thanks Callendergirl,you summarised my gripe and how we share our fear of summer drawing to an end .I hadnt been on this site for a very long time and needed to express my frustrations,and within the boundaries of whats acceptable..I had better put my realist side of me to rest and try and be more optimistic,after all I feel as though I should be enjoying the later years of my life ,and I know how you must feel having went to the dancing class for so long and now your deprived of this pleasure plus you had made freinds,thats terrible and should be addressed..

in reply togoldieoldie

No it's not ott at all!

I have had episodes myself through the pandemic when I have been full of anger and resentment.

thara9643 profile image

This week I have done two job interviews. One competency and one small group one via zoom. We had to observe the applicant, make notes of their answers and evaluate their skills and qualities. To that extent, they were asked to describe a situation that called for higher order thinking skills, state why teamwork is crucial at work, discuss their communication ability and provide a list of examples of their qualities. Then they had a cup of hot coffee and a slice of cake whilst we did a mini feedback sheet and a short formal written evaluation report on them.

in reply tothara9643

I have an interview this morning in Newport for 9.40am so decided to get up early and take my time getting ready as I would rather arrive early than late.

Rachmaninov2 profile image
Rachmaninov2 in reply to

Good luck Catgirl, I hope it goes well. 🙂👍

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