Free for All on Friday: Greetings all and... - Care Community

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Free for All on Friday

27 Replies

Greetings all and wishing you a happy Friday on our day for posting off-topic if you wish. Just a customary reminder to keep it within the community guidelines.

Welcoming anyone who is newly landed here. I hope you'll find useful help here together with some friendship and empathy, and another reminder that it's worth looking back through some of our previous posts for help on all sorts of topics that need help, when you are a carer.

My week seems to have flown by. At the beginning of it I was busy helping my husband with some e-learning which he had to complete for his job, followed by a change of routine as he was attending his three-yearly first aid course, so working days instead of nights. It's so odd how strange life seems when routines are interrupted and I'm glad we've returned to normal now. Kasar the cat was most indignant to find my husband occupying 'his' space in bed at nights!.

Today's really exciting as my granddaughter Sophie is moving into her first own home. She has worked so hard since she was 16 to reach this day and has demonstrated that you can still achieve home ownership with the right attitude and determination. I'm donating several pieces of furniture and household equipment, so meeting up with her mum and dad and a furniture van later. Sophie has a really sensible attitude to second hand things too. That doesn't mean she hasn't been shopping for some household goodies too though, and I feel so happy for this exciting time in her life.

My next most exciting news for the week is my second covid vaccination booster tomorrow and I'll be glad to tick that off the list of winter essentials.

I hope that everyone has had something to feel glad about this week. I hope that as many of you as possible will have time for some rest and relaxation, or to at least find some small treat to help keep you going.

With covid19 cases so prevalent I hope all of you can stay safe and well. Take care!

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27 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Good morning Callendersgal, I can’t believe it’s Friday again, time just flies by. It’s been a week of appointments for me what with the chiropodist for my toe, the dentist for a checkup plus the torture that is the hygienist. Then on Wednesday I had my echocardiogram. It was fine and I should hear in a few weeks. I must admit everything has gone very smoothly and speedily so far. Pete should have had an eye test on Tuesday but the optician had broken his finger so test rescheduled for tomorrow.

We’re off soon to look after our grandsons whilst mum and dad go to the cinema. It will be fun.

Well done to Sophie and I wish her well in her new home. Wishing you well for your booster jab tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good weekend and stays safe, well and dry. Take care all. Xxx🥰💜💙💙

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy59, good morning to you too, and I agree that this week has flown by. Glad to hear that you've whipped through quite a few of those necessary appointments and fingers crossed that your echo turns up some evidence of what's going on. Thanks for your good wishes to Sophie and I will pass those on!

I just managed to dodge a mega-shower coming out of Sainsburys, so I have somehow, miraculously, stayed dry! ☔️🌧😊👍 💖xxx

in reply to

Yesterday I was out on a walk and was stopped in the street by a lady who didn't know where the vaccination centre was so I explained and said how its in the old neighbourhood library building and you can't miss it!

She was having her booster jab as well.

I got a text from the surgery asking me to book a flu jab with them and I had mine in Boots back in September so I let them know I have already had the jab so I didn't need an appointment with them which is fair enough.

in reply to

I always use Boots for mine too Catgirl1976!

in reply to

Boots are better as you can book on a weekend or an evening if that suits you better.

I find the gp surgery clinics are inconvenient for those who have full lives!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to


Isinatra profile image

Happy Friday! Your description of your granddaughter moving into her first home brought back memories of my first apartment. I just got married to a fellow in the Air Force and was so excited to do the nesting thing. I redid the bathroom in a red, white and blue theme….a tribute to the Air Force. Those are hard colors to work with for a young girl. It was awful! It looked like a 🎪. The walls were royal blue and the rest….well…lol My husband was a gentleman and said he liked it. 🙄😉

I’m a covid long hauler. 16 long months. I started experiencing the initial symptoms again. Cough, hair loss, sweating like I was going through menopause, painful breathing, intense fatigue, loss of taste, etc…...thought I had been reinfected. So I had the antibody test and nope, I wasn’t reinfected. Covid was just being it’s mean self. It took a slight vacation, rested up and said….this ride isn’t over until I say it’s over. So I’m resting….a lot. And perusing Amazon for some cute hats 🎩. Any excuse to shop. Right gals?😁

in reply to Isinatra

Thanks Isinatra for giving me a good giggle today. I can just imagine you channeling your inner interior designer as a young newly wed! Thank goodness love conquers all! 🤣So sorry to hear of your ongoing struggle with the aftermath of covid. Long covid is such a mystery and it must be so frustrating not knowing when, or even if, you will completely recover. I pray that in time you will!

Meantime, yes, retail therapy is one of the best treatments for anything that ails us. That and a good strong cuppa! ☕️☕️☕️📦📦📦

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to


sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Isinatra

Feel better soon Isinatra and enjoy the shopping. Xxx😀❤️

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to sassy59

Thank you 🙏. 🛍🛍🛍😁

At my previous job I did a first aid course at St John ambulance down in the ocean park in Cardiff which I enjoyed and it's good on my cv although mine needs renewing.

Your Kasar is a very bossy lad demanding he get a place in the bed!

Baby has her basket that she sleeps in and she is fine and will be kept under lock and key this Halloween weekend!

This weekend we are staying in as we were out last week and having a Halloween movie marathon and walks out and I have been out this morning for one in the pouring rain which I enjoyed!

This week here has been nice and quiet with no job interviews which I decided to put on hold as it was driving me crackers but I will go back next Wednesday nice and refreshed and raring to go!

Lynd profile image

Hello everybodyInteresting to read what everyone is up to.

After a summer that has not been too bad

my Husband has constant diarrhea.

Managed to get him in to see a GP and he thinks he may have poop impacted so recommended stuff to give diarrhea.

Terrified to give it to him as he is already so knocked about.

The phone doctor has made an urgent request to the hospital but no appointment yet.

Had to go back to using commode.

He has lost weight too.

My own diabetic check has shown all sorts of problems.

Feeling quite stressed.

in reply to Lynd

Hi Lynd,I'm not surprised you are reluctant to give your husband medication that's had to be based on the best guess. I think I'd be feeling that I needed some further help from a consultant before committing to it, and it's so hard to be left to decide. I hope that all will be well but I understand how stressed you must be feeling.

And particularly when you have your own health challenges. I guess the only advice has to be to try not to anticipate too much so that you increase your worry, but actually stopping yourself from doing that is really difficult. But thinking of you both, anyway and hoping you'll get through somehow, sometime soon!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Lynd

That all sounds pretty awful Lynd and I feel for you both. Wishing you better days ahead. Xxx🥰👍🤗

FredaE profile image
FredaE in reply to Lynd

probably nothing to do with your problem but among the new medicines i haveen taking since my stroke was one which gave me the same symptoms - I lost 12kg and was never more than a few metres from the loo. Medication needs proper diagnosis. when we changed the med i went back to normal

Lynd profile image
Lynd in reply to FredaE

Hi FredaI will check his medication side effects on line later.

Glad you are recovered. It is such a misery. X

Jennymary profile image

I came back to rehab from hospital last Saturday, staff were amazed at the difference in my walking, I'm isolating for 2 weeks so only another week to go. On Wednesday the physio said we'd try walking with a stick on Thursday, baby steps to begin with, then they got bigger, also been up and down the stairs walked with stick and physio again this morning, we'll do it again on. Monday then it'll just be me and stick. Yesterday, in the shower, we took the dressing off, wound had hardly bled, nurse here really pleased with it

You are doing incredibly well and going from strength to strength Jennymary. You’re making such rapid progress that I’m sure this is to do with your own positive attitude! If you keep this up you’ll be going home before you know it 👍👍 x

Hi Sue glad your getting vaccine and your grandaughters recycling and appreciating second hand stuff I get lots of things from.2nd hand shops always my sofas that steam.cleans as pixie claws them for attention he has 4 claw poles and goes on them but sometimes goes on settee I'll say no then Hel yawn and slink aside to his claw pole like he's innocent 🙄😺hope your husband didn't get too many wounds or nasty looks from laser think more tamer than pixie, pixie was at his Nana's today in the sun in living room I said come on time to go he rolled and said meow this was ongoing for about half hour I went outside and shouted he came out rolled on patio then ran down garden, he's tired out now hasn't come to bed yet I'm.asleepnearly tonight builders coming tomorror, I sawed the last worktop today, I can see the swan on lake now as the leaves fall I'll be upset to leave my garden and the view from bedroom but it just doesn't feel like home and never will and I'm too close to the ring road there's too many things don't feel right about this house, I'm glad I came back as think the changes I've done will help sell it, night night hope you'll post photo of kaser 🤗🐯🌟

in reply to

If the house doesn't feel right then I think you are making the right decision in selling up and leaving.

Just for you Mandy, and while it's still Friday, here's a photo of Kasar relaxing on his favourite chair. Unfortunately it's also my husband's favourite chair too, so there's often a little bit of a dispute going on about who is to sit on it!Yes go with your heart with the house. If you can't feel relaxed in your home, it's not really a home but just a house. x

Kasar knows when he's well off!
in reply to

Kasar is a very bossy cat!

That's why we prefer a moggy because they aren't bossy like the breeds are!

Baby sits on the settee with us and has her basket as well.

With Mandy and the house I feel life is too short to stay in a place where you aren't happy and it's the right decision to leave.

When I left that toxic job back in 2019 my instincts told me it was the right thing to do and even now I feel I made the right decision to leave as I felt life is too short to stay somewhere where you aren't happy!

in reply to

😁thanks sue that's a lovely photo, I can see kaser is a distant relative of pixiebob finding the best place looks so warm n cosy, I wonder who would rule the roost if they lived together 🙀😺notice the chair is leather I had one it got ripped good job was shop, I hope your husband gets some time in the chair 😁😺xx

thara9643 profile image

Good evening. I have helped my neighbour next door start to sell her house. We listed the house on a recommended property site this morning and also contacted a local estate agent before lunch time. Will update. I then had a tuna sandwich for lunch and went out to a garden centre this afternoon in order to start looking at Christmas decorations and then buy the first lot of stuff.

I’m noticing that the shops are getting quite busy now with Christmas shoppers. I hope you found the things you wanted!

thara9643 profile image
thara9643 in reply to

We will go see what is available next week. I have not had time to look at the shops yet but will do so on Tuesday.

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