Well dad’s back at hospital with fluids and iv antibiotics AFTER chronic bout of delirium loss of appetite and would not drink.
Paramedics said vitals was all ok but something not right AND dad’s condition had me stumped too.
Only clue was eptopic bouts of breathless ANYWAY turns out dad had bad chest infection.
But given blood drawn at hospital I think this something more serious going.
On first vile of blood drawn it was just a clot EVEN doctor was tad surprised by what was drawn.
Clearly AM no expert but am not sure if clot Hypercoagulation is down to he’s Dementia Alzheimer’s or he’s blood pressure issues or something else.
Clearly HE’s Alzheimer’s Dementia Is Relentless Even Cruel AND any suffer deserves so much more IN terms of understanding compassion treatment ‘s
As from what have seen whitenessed just leaving stuff down to the conditions and delirium is not enough.