Also, after abstaining for about a week, abdominal swelling had reduced, then I drank a 2-litre bottle of white cider, and watched and felt my abdomen swelling. Felt a rushing of liquid in my left side as abdomen swelled. Addaction peeps recommend I ask GP to send me for a scan, as LFTs are notoriously inaccurate especially in end-stage. Should I? I add: GP says liver is fine cos of blood test results.
Have recent abdominal swelling but nor... - British Liver Trust
Have recent abdominal swelling but normal results from liver function blood test. Haemoglobin slightly raised. Am alcoholic.

I think you already know the answer to this one.
Good Luck and Good Health.
You must get your GP/a doctor to investigate the swelling with scans and physically examine you. There may well be fluid there which would need managing.
GP says cos blood test results were normal, doesn't indicate need for a scan. Trying again later today, if he refuses again, am gonna ask for a second opinion. Will request a physical examination.
I suggest you get help for your drinking or its more than good luck you need xxx
What is this what you want to die of drink and leave everything behind even your kids that seems selfish to me xx
I don't want to die and leave my kids, but I have got a feeling that I'm not gonna have any choice in the matter. I'm not optimistic about my chances, especially as I might get an ultrasound scan within the next 3 or 4 weeks. My GP gave me the impression that he thinks I am imagining it, but he has said that he will send me for a scan "to make sure there isn't any ascites in there". He certainly doesn't think there is any urgency.
go to admit your answers have some humour in them, when facing such a serious issue, balls of steel mate!
Well if you got professional help with the drinking you would certainly have a better chance of living and you would have a longer life if you gave up the drink xxx
I agree alcohol is not worth ruining your health, your life and the life of your kids. It is a tremendous shock to be told you have cirrohiss of liver which happened to me, but no drinking, healthy diet and keeping active as much as you can honestly helps, get a doctor who will listen to you and carry out all tests you need, good luck. Angse
Your experience with your GP sounds very familiar, I have had lots of LFTs all have come back fine, didn't know that it would not show up at end-stage cirrhosis?? Good luck and I hope you find some answers, would like to know the outcome. Is there noone else that can do other types of tests that would give a diagnosis?
Stick with it, my brother's GP is very clear that ordinary liver function tests often dont pick up quite advanced problems, presumably because the liver is "compensated" ie damaged but functioning. Dont take no for an answer, your GP isn't doing their job if you're having to push this hard. Have you asked them to refer you to a drug /alcohol support agency to help you stop drinking? They should be offering that as well and it makes a huge difference.. As others have said, whether the tests are showing damage or not you know you need to stop drinking.
Good luck and well done for facing up to the issue and standing your ground.
Sorry to hijack ..Bigsis, I have had loads of LFT's all come back fine and also an Ultrasound last year which was also fine where does one go next if you arent getting any answers from your doctor, what would the next available test be? Please see my earlier post for my specific problems. Thanks!
I am not a doctor but as well as getting in for a scan as soon as possible, removing the cause (probable) must and will help, If you cant leave the booze get help and quick. My LFT's for years showed no issues but I have Fatty Liver diagnosed from the scan.
What focused me was my wife, kids and also how my wife would get my camper back together (in bits on the garage floor). Seriously, look for a reason to live and go for it!
Push the doctor to get the treatment that everyone deserves but please try to stop the drinking. If you really cant stop yourself get help, that's what the help groups and professionals are there for.
I can tell you that without the drink, I sleep loads better, have more energy, can stay awake until 12.00 every night and so on....
most GP's/Doctors are very aggressive when it comes to drinking and liver issues, yours seems to be either lacking in knowledge or who knows... If you recognize you have an issue then get as much support you can, if you yourself admit you have this problem, then you have crossed the first barrier, now get aggressive and try to fix this!
Best wishes
I have had a liver transplant caused by alcohol. Firstly you need to STOP DRINKING! If you don't you will steadily get worse and stand no chance of getting a transplant. Livers are in short supply and they are not given to people who are still taking alcohol. It is a long journey and you will need resolution and patience. Ask for a repeat test immediately. I wish you the best of luck. I did it,why not you!
Just to point out this is a 7 year old thread.
why is an old post on here and what ever happend to jamiface ? just out of intrest after reading his or her post . i do hope he or she got the help they needed to stop drinking and is still alive to enjoy the rest of life what ever that may be . i do hope you are still with us and here to let us know your out come . i wish you well and do hope you have a great future staying here and keeping us all company, all the best wishes !
There is no archive so all posts remain live, someone obviously resurrected this one a year ago - hence my reply at the time and then must have deleted their post. Whenever someone interacts with an old thread it pops back up - as it has with you replying to it.
No idea what happened with jamiface, people come and go sadly but you always hope for the best.
i see sort off as i am new to this forum so sort of trying to find my way of using it and trying to find information on stuff that doctors just seem to fob me of or just can not be botherd answering , any way thanks for your reply have a nice week end
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