Side/liver pain!!! It’s getting worse and worse and I can’t get answers!! It’s in my liver side at the bottom of my rib cage on the side. I can push on it and it hurts. It seems to get worse everyday. Does anyone else have this pain??? I’m starting to feel like I can seen swelling in my right abdomen. The pain isn’t as much in the front though…, my back and my side specifically? I can’t say it gets worse with eating or anything it’s just always there. Ugh my doctor says it’s my back but my back issues have always subsided after a bit! Any help would be great thank you!
Side pain/liver pain: Side/liver pain... - British Liver Trust
Side pain/liver pain

Hello. It sounds like you’re in really a lot of pain, but to note: normal labs and blood. Also, do you have any other symptom besides urq pain? Does the pain radiate to shoulder? Typically, I would imagine you would be experiencing far and away more symptoms for your level of concern. Besides the location of pain, do you have any reason to suspect it to be your liver? Hepatitis, alcohol, PBC? I’m no doctor, but I’ve never heard of a case where the sole presentation of decompensated cirrhosis (you’re checking for jaundice) was abdominal pain. Have them do a fibroscan and if nothing shows up, make sure your gastro doc knows the severity in which you feel the pain. Another thing to look at might be the pancreas since it’s common for it to be very painful and generally lingers around the liver and especially if you’re feeling it to your back. Best, Luis.
Most of my research has led to the same findings and my doctor seems to have the same idea… I have some gastro issues, but mostly just the pain. I feel like I can see some swelling under my right rib coming from where my liver is at. All of my scans came back normal. I will bring up fibroscan, thank you!
Hi Kuntzie
I'm sorry you are in pain.
I would assume when you had the MRI, Ct with contrast and US they would have found any stones, gall or kidney. You did say they noted a dilated biliary duct, have you asked if it can be treated? it is possible your pain is directly caused by that, especially as multiple scans cannot find anything else.
There are a few reason why your duct is dilated and either finding the cause or treating the duct might finally cure it.
I hope you find a solution soon
I appreciate you taking the time to respond. My gastro doctor didn’t say anything about the biliary duct. But in my reports on my ultrasound it was the only thing noted as abnormal or whatever. I can push on mySide, especially today and it is sore, hurts to push on! It has been going on for a year.
As it is the only thing noted as abnormal. that's why I think you should ask your doctor if it can be treated, is it possible it is the cause of the pain. As Trust1 has said if pain persists you need to inform your GP if it is still there or if the pain has changed. But also I would ask about the duct.
I hope you are pain free soon
If your pain persists you may wish to discuss a scan with your GP, this will provide more clinical information. You can also ask the GP to assess any swelling in your stomach.

What kind of scan? I have had an MRI, CT with contract and an ultrasound. Only thing noted abnormal was a extrahepatic bile duct dilated to 1 cm.
HiI have the same problem I'm really struggling with the pain its horrendous.
I have Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia and I am very unwell. Just because your bloods are ok this does not mean the liver is ok so please fobt be lulled into a false sense of security. You need to push for further investigation
Ps what are your gastro issues?
Mostly I just get constant gurgling and has feeling. If I drink alcohol I will get bile stools. Straight bile. I have relapsed a couple times over the holidays, but getting back on straight track. Even when I don’t drink the pain is horrible. I understand I can have clean bloods and still have liver problems. My scans all being clean is what my doctor is mostly focusin on, and that pain is really my only symptom.
Did you ever find out more? I’ve in the same pain for two years and all my tests and scans are normal. I even had a biopsy last year that was normal but I’m still in pain and it’s very random.
My pain is constant and all day. Going on 2 years… I haven’t found out anything. I’d say if I drink it makes the pain worse the next day, and if I take any drugs it makes the pain worse at that moment. Really only speedy drugs tho. I have pretty much stopped taking my pain killers, but I’ll take modafinil for my day and that seems to piss my side off. Or it’s mental that it’s worse I dunno.