Hi All. My apologies for not providing my thoughts and experiences to others in the group postings.
I was diagnosed with cirrhosis last June / July. I have hemochromatosis
I stopped drinking from July - September 2020. Then had issues with my teenage son and drank for 3 months. I quit on Jan 3rd 2021.
I focused on my health, ate 80% veggies and 20% fruit. Ate fish and chicken and took specific supplements for 6 weeks.
Saw my Doctors early Feb this year and my entire blood works and liver function were perfect!!
Both my Doctors (Haematologist and Hepatologist) were extremely impressed with my results.
They said, you can still have cirrhosis with perfect liver function.
Is that true? Not that I want to have a “hall pass” to have a few drinks every now and then. They both said, I cannot drink again.
Your thoughts and experience.
Thank you. Dan