So I just wanted to say thank you to this amazing group. I joined a month ago. Bad blood tests, knew I was drinking too much for years, then an ultrasound that said yep fatty liver. Then I went - no more. But I couldn't have done that without you lot. I've been sober a month 😁. From a girl that drunk 2 bottles of wine a night. Thank you all for your advice and support. My bloods etc still dodgy, but I guess my body needs to take more time to go recover. But I wouldn't be here without this group. Thank you.
Getting there: So I just wanted to say... - British Liver Trust
Getting there

Hello! Am new to this group but just wanted to say Well Done for giving up the wine. I know that my partner and I drink too much, we tend to binge at weekends and usually have our “recommended limit” in one session! It’s very difficult when you enjoy wine so much, but we try to limit ourselves to weekends! People who are not drinkers probably find it hard to understand. My partner has been diagnosed with ARLD and has been told to keep his intake to 10 units a week, but he usually exceeds this! He has another scan next week, so it will be interesting to see how he gets on. Take care and keep up the good work x
Thank you so much for your reply, I hope your partners results are also going on the right direction. Wine is so hard to give up when it's been the comfort blanket for so long, but if I can do it anyone can. The clearer thinking, the pride in winning over something so addictive is worth it in the end. Let me know how it goes your end, we are all here to support x
That is fantastic. Well done. It will take a little while for things to settle down but persevere and you will be rewarded.
Welcome and well done. I had to have a major health scare and 5 weeks in hospital before I stopped drinking, so good on you for stopping now. It’ll take some time for your body to get used to no alcohol and your bloods may not get back to normal for a while. Over time you’ll feel so much better that you’ll wonder why those 2 bottles a night were needed. You can completely reverse fatty liver so you’ve done your health a big favour by stopping. Fantastic news. 👍
I don’t know if this will help but I want to tell you about it anyway. Well done on the month without wine. When I decided to give up smoking over 40 years ago now, I used to save the money I spent on cigarettes in a large Coca Cola bottle every day. At the end of the month I would spend the money I’d saved on a luxury for myself. Something I wouldn’t normally have bought. It was a great incentive not to smoke. Maybe the same will help you if you do the same with the money you used to spend on wine every day.