I was drinking about 70 units a week in January, I am female and 57, my liver blood tests came back with high ALP, AST, ALT and GGT results. I immediately stopped drinking, lost 21kg and am now in normal BMI range and continuing with healthy eating and daily exercise. I had an ultrasound which showed everything ok except mildly fatty liver. I have had numerous repeat tests and am waiting on a fibroscan. Everything has gone back into normal range except ALP and GGT. Can anyone help please with ideas or experiences?
ALP and GGT: I was drinking about 7... - British Liver Trust

It can take a bit of time for bloods to return to normal. GGT in particular is very sensitive. Given your ultrasound is positive then I wouldn’t stress too much…just keep doing what you’re doing and I suspect everything will settle down. Remember it’s only just over 6 months since you’ve radically changed your lifestyle - it took a lifetime to build those numbers up!
Hi Aotea,Thank you for your reply, much appreciated. I am sticking to my new routine, I've just been worried that the ALP and GGT remain very high.
What were the high numbers of ALT if you don’t mind me asking and what alerted you to them? I also had ALT and others rapidly increase to almost 3000 and was jaundiced. They have come down 65% in 2 months but I’m told will take a long time to reduce. I have mild fibrosis and healthy lefestyle im told us the only treatment need. My only symptoms now are fatigue and disrupted sleep and I’m hoping this will improve over time. My nurse said she won’t do a fibrous an until the inflammation comes down as it will be a high reading and will cause stress. Maybe that’s what the wait is for? I think a fatty liver can be reversed with healthy eating and exercise and you’ve been doing a great job
Hi. I know you’re posting your experience and glad you’re better but I wanted to add something IMPORTANT.
Posting figures in relation to tests can mislead people if they don’t have the context to understand them. 3000 is a very high figure indicating an acute issue and making it unsurprising it was accompanied by jaundice but a much lower figure say 70 or 80 or 90 and higher, depending on the test range, is also HIGH if out of normal range for a sufficient period and can lead to serious consequences including end-stage liver disease - cirrhosis.
Nobody should EVER assume a result which is out of the normal range is “probably ok” or safe because it’s not in the hundreds or thousands or doesn’t seem like a high number.
Best wishes.
I was in a similar position to you 2 years ago .. the alp & ggt can take some time to come down, but my ggt and alp didn’t reduce to normal levels and it was then decided to test me for PBC liver disease (which is autoimmune disease) and i was positive. I’m now in meds for this and the levels are nearly back to normal range & my fatty liver is now normal . Don’t be disheartened and keep up with your new healthy diet the liver is a very forgiving organ xx
Hi,Thank you for replying. I will stick with it, it's disheartening when the results are still bad on these. Everything else is normal, I feel well and I have no symptoms of anything so maybe I just need to carry on and be patient. I did wonder from doing the dreaded Google about PBC but I have none of the associated symptoms and my ultrasound was ok, but I will keep it in mind to ask about - thank you.
Hi Chesanne, I have similar results with ALP & GGT. Been going on since November 23. My results were lower when I was drinking alcohol. Stopped drinking and changed my diet and the results doubled. They are slowly coming down. I had an ultrasound and liver is ok. I wonder if menopause has something to do with out of range results?
Hi,I hadn't considered menopause, that's an interesting thought. Like yourself my ALP was better and GGT the same when I was overweight and drinking. That's why I am concerned, my ALP is slowing coming down but very slowly. I was prescribed Ramipril and Omeprazole in May and my liver test results shot up, fortunately the pharmacist noticed this and took me off all meds except Thiamine (B12) as my blood pressure was stable again. I'm wondering if this has any bearing on the slow reduction in ALP and GGT i.e did it set it all back.
Thank you for your reply, much appreciated.
You sound like you've got a good set of professionals keeping an eye out for you, try not to let your head look at the figures to intently, your doing every thing right, stay away from the booze eat at healthy diet and of course a gentle bit of exercise,I was a chronic alcoholic and I'm 12.+ years sober , I never got involved with any figures as I knew I had to change, and to be honest I took steps to never drink again, I'm left with the painful legacy of nerve damage ( neuropathy)It's a reminder for me to never drink again, and that's enough to put me off for good, hoping you stay healthy and happy, best of luck!!!