hello my daughter had a fibro scan last year which was 19.6
Had on last week and it’s now 56 but her bloods are normal I’m a bit confused to what’s happening with her liver
hello my daughter had a fibro scan last year which was 19.6
Had on last week and it’s now 56 but her bloods are normal I’m a bit confused to what’s happening with her liver
Sorry do you mean its gone form 19.6 to 56.0 or 5.6 ?
From what I have learnt you can have normal liver function test still have chrirrohs. This is what happen to me. My score was 19.5 kpa 350 cap told 4 stage fibrosis.
of course numbers matter !If youre drinking alcohol stop.people mean that a fibroscan result may be inflated by inflammation.you should be seeing a consultant see your gp
Is she still drinking?
Yes she is
Highly likely her cirrhosis has considerably advanced but what little healthy liver remains is still doing it's job.That won't last much longer if she keeps assaulting her body with alcohol.
Her fibroscan numbers really do matter and she cant be far from severe illness.
Has she had recent ultrasound or MRI scans to check for "changes" in her liver?
Yes she had an ultrasound in may and there was no change thankfully a liver nurse said not to worry about the kpa score so I was confused
My consultant avoids repeating the fibroscan because cirrhosis is already diagnosed and only symptoms indicate it's severity.Repeating fibroscan is just chasing numbers.
BUT I think it's fair to assume her ongoing drinking has caused the rise in the stiffness of her liver and its only a matter of time before it starts to struggle with basic functions.
useless test wrong every time I had one. Get biopsy
Were Your test wrong ?
Wrong both times said 22kpa. And 14 kpa. Had to go for biopsy. No evidence of cirrhosis or even fatty liver. Likely operator error? Not sure I just know now years later it was just wrong of which I am glad.
Really that far that off ? So there's hope then that my test could be wrong
A biopsy is taken out on only one area of your liver. This area may not have cirrhosis, but another area may. I have fibroscan score of 40, down from 74, mild fatty liver and normal bloods. I have cirrhosis (somewhere in my liver!)
Score will only go down if she stops drinking completely. Mine, at first diagnosis, was 74, last year. Now 40 after abstinence. It's the only way (and healthy diet) to get that score down and hopefully maintain a working liver for some years to come. Liver will continue to deteriorate if she carries on drinking. Does she not realise this? Diagnosis scared the bejesus outta me. Glad to be alive, albeit with a serious health condition.